
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Donga Mantung CATTU Vows to Breakgrounds in Teachers’ Strike.

Wamey Pancrasius Nyonufon: CATTU Divisional SG
The Donga-Mantung branch of the Cameroon Teachers’ Trade Union, CATTU, has vowed to break new grounds in the 2nd phase of the Cameroon teachers’ nationwide strike scheduled for April 28 to May 2, 2014. This was recently during a strategy-planning enlarged Executive Committee meeting held recently in Nkambe, presided by the Division’s Secretary, Wamey Pancrasius Nyonufon.
            In evaluating the first lap of the strike that ran from17th to 22nd of February, 2014, they said it scored a lower percentage of 60 because of poor sensitization and the fact that most teachers did not know the real reasons behind the strike. Members present then upheld the CATTU conference that took place on the 14th of March, 2014. They said the conference was quite informative and educative; and teachers who attended went home rich. And that from that conference, many teachers are anxiously waiting for the forthcoming strike.
            In a bit to fortify the union and sensitize colleagues the more especially on the next strike action, members agreed to hold a Divisional General Assembly on Saturday 26th of April, 2014 in the Nkambe Community hall. Members of EXCO were assigned to move to the various Sub-Divisions to ensure a wider attendance. They said, during the general Assembly meeting, Sub-Divisional bureau would be formed. It was also agreed that CATTU’s T-shirts, badges and membership cards would be shared to members at the meeting.
            The Divisional Secretary, Wamey Pancrasius stressed that CATTU had long gone beyond strikes, reason; the general assembly meeting of 26th April will focus on examinations revision strategies and skills of passing examinations by old-experience examiners and pedagogues. He also exposed that there shall be a paper on the legal, social and academic implications of Examination fraud by a big Legal mind around. All of this target on the grounds that they are getting towards national examination period. An EXCO meeting to better prepare for the meeting comes up on Saturday, 12th April,2014

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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