
Friday, September 16, 2016

The Phenomenon Called Jiberu, The Nightmare to Nkambe Farmers

Mallam Jiberu
Mallam Jiberu, is a famous grazier at Njipmtoh (in Nkambe Central). What makes him the most pronounced grazier in Donga Mantung has remained a mystery.  He is known by all the administrators and civil servants in Nkambe as well as all the farmers of Njap, Tabenken and Nkambe. On September 13, over 200 women staged a Protest march in Nkambe that took them to the SDO's Office and back to DO's office. They were pointing accusing farmers at Jiberu. But Jiberu, few months ago told us that every time cattle destroy crops, farmers only look at him, "I am not the only one with cows at Njimptoh", he said. Seemingly, some high profile personalities in the area (including indigenes) have kept their cows with Jiberu. Sometimes ago, former Divisional Officer for Nkambe Central Mbinglo Francis was very honest to the point that he told some farmers that Jiberu is a whole pile of documents in his office and he is not sure that he will be the one to solve the problem. The answer to this is that Jiberu may have something that other graziers do not have. Ten years ago, women tripped naked and paraded infront of his house but few days later, he (Jiberu) on his way to Nkambe told some women going to the farm that he would love to see the second naked dance because he found it very interesting. Unrealistic, untenable and unbelievable but that's what the Fulani grazier wants to see. He identifies himself with the administration as a hero, trade in the dark with traditional rulers with fallen beef- and lives his imagination by giving politicians more verbs to use in lobbying for votes. “Vote me, and I will chase away Jiberu from Njimptoh”. It has to be said, that his personal life as a cattle breeder also has a role to play in his image. His reputation as a bad man ( as seen by farmers and good man as seen by other cattle rearers) also has contributed in no less way in adding to his persona that in 2015, some farmers in Nkambe donated money to chase his cattle away ( to which area) yet the money collected has remained an untold story that ended with him on top. Does Jiberu bear the name of other graziers in Nkambe? That is the 5FCFA question!!

However, with increasing tempers flaring, the hidden mask that keeps Jiberu on top may soon fall off as women go sticks in hand, rappers rapped for an epic battle to end farmer/grazier conflict at Njimptoh.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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