Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How D K Nfor Transformed the Ndu Municipality

Award Winning Mayor of Ndu
One of the major challenges and debate nationwide has been the capability of some elected officials to tackle development process in their sphere of influence. The mayor of Ndu Council, D K Nfor has been able to delineate that politics is development and that alleviating poverty and miseries in rural areas is precedence of priority that makes politics and development bedmates. In enumerating his achievements, at the helm of Ndu Council he said slowly and surely he has been able to make a difference in the fight against poverty through the provision of potable water, construction of classrooms, health centers, improvement of road infrastructure and others. Elected mayor in 2007, after he completed the mandate of late Bunyui Jonathan who passed onto the Lord, D K Nfor against all odds has proven that exceptionally his being there at the helm of the Ndu Council was by merit and not a favour from his fellow colleague councilors. He established a program aimed at supporting local initiatives and projects that are geared towards sustainable development. From all practical demonstrations, D K Nfor is going into record being result oriented and attaching a lot of devotion on social inclusion in his municipality.
From 2006 up to date, D K Ndu has achieved the following;

Road Infrastructure: Farms to
Market Road
Priority of Priorities
Developing farms to market roads and linking villages to villages was one of the major axes of the Ndu Council under DK Nfor from 2006. Taking advantage of the presence of some heavy machines in his municipality in 2006, the council used the opportunity to carry out maintenance work on the Ndu-Ntamru road. In collaboration with GP DERUDEP, the Ndu-Ntamru road was graded to the point that vehicles easily move from Ndu to Ntamru. To D K Nfor, the grading of that road has facilitated the movement of persons, farm produce and communication not only to Ntamru but also to Nwa. That same year, the council started work on the Ndu-Njialah,-Wowo-Mangu-Sehn-Ntaumbaw road thus giving it a face-lift. The council also adopted an approach with the department of Public Works, to stimulate community work by village on road maintenance. This new approach ignited the council and the department of Public Works to empower road maintenance committees of some six villages with basic road maintenance tools made up of spades, wheelbarrows, digging axes etc. In 2007, the road leading to the Ndu Council Rest House and the stretch from Ndu-Jirt was also maintained.
In order to restyle Ndu town, the council with the collaboration of the Ministry of Public Works also carried out maintenance and rehabilitation work on a number of streets even though some of the streets still need maintenance work due to the heavy down pour of rains, yet, DK Nfor is however optimistic that the level of dust and mud in the town has reduced considerably.
Taking into consideration the construction of the Ndu Council Chamber at the old market, there was the need to give the site more visibility. In that light, the frontage of the Ndu Council Complex was also given a face-lift giving that all the old market sheds were demolished and the entire new Council premises could be seen by anyone.
Moreso, the council with support from GP DERUDEP also constructed 1 bridge and 8 culverts along the Mbokop-Njimnjong road and in 2010, 02 culverts were also constructed along the Total Petrol Station and
to ease the movement of water rain at Mbalele.

Infrastructural Development Program
Following complaints from the population of Ndu arguing that Ndu Council office should be located in Ndu town, in 2009, the council lobbied and obtained funds from FEICOM for the construction of a Council Chamber to accommodate all the council services. Ndu Council became the first in Donga Mantung Division to put up a befitting Council Chamber which enabled council services to move from the old building at Mbiyeh to Ndu Town. The Council Chamber is one of the numerous legacies of DK Nfor at the helm of the Ndu Council that always attracts the admiration of travelers along the Ring Road. Moving the council from an obscured location at Mbiyeh to it present site according to DK Nfor has helped to bring municipal services closer to the population.
 Considering the fact that Ndu market is one of the biggest in the North West Region, the council also succeeded in erecting at the Ndu Council Park a multi-functional structure to contain the services of the motor park access revenue collector and a warehouse. A modern toilet and a urinary were also constructed below the Sash Hall to provide convenient services to travelers who while at the park feel like using them.
The construction of a goat/pig market at the lower end of the Ndu main market and a gate round it for security purposes have come to reduce risk of theft, an action which many users have applauded as being foresighted.
In order to increase council revenue and put in place convenient revenue collection points, the council also constructed four control sheds along the Ndu-Mbiyeh road, Ndu-Kakar road and Kakar-Ntaba road.
In line with the ongoing decentralization process, the Ndu council also built double classrooms for the following schools; G S Ngarbuh, GBPS Kakar, G S Ntaba and G S Mbucop in Ntamru zone with the assistance of GP DERUDEP. The Ndu Council also supplied the newly created GTC Sop with 60 benches. To DK Nfor the construction of the classrooms is part of the access to education program of the council.

Improving Access to Potable Water
One of the major problems in the Ndu Council area is the scarcity of water due to the abusive cultivation of eucalyptus trees around watersheds and catcment areas as well as the controversy surrounding the Ndu Water Authority. During the months of July/August 2011 when AES-SONEL disconnected electricity supply at the water pumping station because the Ndu Water Authority could not pay the bill of FCFA 1.500.000, the Ndu Council intervened and paid the bill for the population to have water. As part of its social inclusion it was necessary for the council to come to the rescue of the population because the town had gone for weeks without water and the fear that scarcity of water could lead to the outbreak of cholera and other water borne disease was high. To DK Nfor, keeping the population without potable water was not safe at all especially at a point in time much is being talked about cholera.
With the collaboration of GP DERUDEP, the council constructed some giant water schemes were constructed to serve three communities in the municipality. The Njialah Water scheme, Mbajeng Water scheme and the Nseh Makop water supply were realized to provide the population with potable water.
Considering the fact that no amount of assistance is so small when it comes to project implementation, the Ndu Council also adopted a concept whereby small water scheme projects are supported with cash. The following water schemes received financial support from the Ndu Ndu council, Mbandfung and Kakar water supply benefit 150.000 FCFA, Ngarum water scheme-200.000 FCFA and Nguluh Water scheme received 100.000 FCFA. Besides, the council also supported the construction of a water point at Ngarum.

 Empowering Community Sustainability and Access to Education Facilities  
Supporting local initiatives towards achieving the localized MDGs have been one of the axes of the Ndu Council under D K Nfor from 2006 when he became mayor. Empowering village development associations, community initiatives and individual projects according to D K Nfor is one of the current development policies which are being encouraged to foster participatory development. The Ndu Council considered it appropriate to encourage this policy by giving financial and material support to individual projects in order to stimulate the notion of rational development. From 2007 that the program was introduced, the following projects have benefited financial assistance as follows;
Assistance in Cash:
Support for the construction of classrooms at G S S Mbawrong- 200.000 FCFA, construction of classrooms at G S Wowo-150.000 FCFA, construction of the Njimnkang-Mbanjeng bridge-300.000 FCFA, renovation of the Mbipgo Fon’s palace-100.000 FCFA, roofing of the school building at Kuma-Talla-150.000 FCFA, construction of classrooms at G S S Taku-100.000 FCFA, roofing of the school building at G S Ntunge-Ntundip-100.000 FCFA,  construction of the Health Center at Luh-200.000 FCFA,  school equipment for G S Sehn-100.000 FCFA, financial support to G S/CBC schools, Sinna and Mbago CBC Church building-150.000 FCFA, support to Ntumbaw fon’s palace after wind disaster-300.000 FCA, support to families of fire disaster at Njinsa and Njimnjong-100.000 FCFA and fire accident at Ngar-Ntumbaw-100.000 FCFA.
In 2008 after an assessment of the impact of financial support, the Ndu Council realized that financial support to communities and individual projects could lead to poor management. Even though cases of mismanagement we not registered, some projects were realized late and thus, the mayor decided to henceforth give the support in material.
Assistance in Material in 2009
Bundles of Zinc
The following schools benefited from a bundle of zinc each (06 bundles shared to 6 schools). They are G S S Talla, CBC school Boyar-Ndu, G S S Ntamru, G S S Njilah, G S Nseh-Makop and Islamic Secondary School Ntumbaw.
Bags of Cement
The following projects were supported with bags of cement. A total of 100 bags of cement were shared to the following projects, CBC Mbucop-Taku received 10 bags of cement, G S Ngarbuh in Ntumbaw had 25 bags, Lfulfu quarter in Ngarum was supported with 10 bags for the construction of the water point, the Njimnkang-Mbajeng bridge received 30 bags to boost construction while Ntumbaw-Ngarbuh bridge was given 25 bags of cement.
49 Bundles of zinc in 2010
In 2010, the council increased it support to school construction project from 01 bundle of zinc to 07 each per project. In all, 49 bundles of zinc were shared as follows. 07 bundles of zinc for G S Kuma-Talla for the construction of classrooms, 07 bundles of zinc for G S Ngarum for the construction of classrooms, 07 bundles of zinc for the construction of the Integrated Health Center in Ndu, 07 bundles of zinc for GHBS Ndu, 07 bundles of zinc for CBC Mbaw-Sop that suffered from a wind disaster, G S Njirong for roofing of the school building and 07 bundles for the newly created Government Nursery school at Sehn village.
120 Bags of Cement in 2010
In 2010, the Ndu Council raised the number of bags of cement from 100 to 120 bags. The following projects benefited. The following projects received support. Construction of the bridge at Luh-25 bags, the construction of the bridge at Jirt (Jirt-Njirtu-Mbipgo) 25 bags, the construction of the Multi-purpose sub-palace hall at Mbakfu-Ndu-20 bags, the construction of a bridge at River Mbabur, between Sehn and Mangu-20 bags and the construction of the bridge Njikang-Mbajeng-30 bags of cement.

Support Program in Basic Materials to Schools
Through the decentralization policy, the Ndu Council also provided some schools with basic materials. The head teachers’ offices of GBPS Kakar, G S Ntaba and G S Ngarbuh were equipped with tables and chairs.
Promoting Social Inclusion
From 2006, the Ndu Council has been able to carryout some actions aimed at promoting the welfare of the underprivileged and social amenities to the needy. Since then, the council has been able to provide holiday jobs to university students on an average of 30 students each year. To D K Nfor, it is intended to boost the moral f both parents and students as well as provide them additional income to afford for their needs when they return to school. It also reduces the burden on parents.  Under this program, the council also supported JMBC with a sum of 100.000 FCFA for the construction of the school library. During the 2010/2011 academic year, some 102 students were awarded scholarship and majority of the beneficiaries were students with disabilities.  The fact that the Ndu Council was among the first council areas in the North West Region to introduce the health insurance commonly known as Mutual Health Organization clearly justifies the council role as a local institution that continues to cater for the needs of it rural population. The Mutual Health in Ndu stands as a unique model in the region thanks to the ability of the council to combat societal ills. Since 2009, that the MHO was created, D K Nfor says that access to health facilities has improved tremendously.
Promoting Sustainable Agriculture through Mini Agro-pastoral shows
Ndu Council generates more than 75% of its revenue from the buying and selling of agricultural and livestock produce. The Ndu market is third in the North West Region after Guzang and Kumbo food markets. The most interesting thing about Ndu Council is that it has the biggest goat and pig market in the North West Region. This could not leave the council indifference in promoting these activities. Since 2006, the Ndu Council has made the farmer’s jamboree a yearly event. The council disburses at least 3.000.000 FCFA every year to finance the show. Farmers are awarded prizes and certificates as a way to stimulate growth and perfection. To D K Nfor, the best way to go industrial is to promote the agro-pastoral sectors. Through the show, the best speculations in the municipality are promoted and awarded compensation for hard work.
The scope of intervention of the Ndu Council in the fight against poverty and promoting sustainable development, the mayor acknowledges that in providing assistance to beneficiaries as indicated above, “ we take into consideration the needs of the concerned and it should be an ongoing project that it impact will reach the entire community or village”. Talking about the achievements of the Ndu Council, it should be noted that there are also very useful and important projects achieved before 2006 such as the Ndu Grand Stand, the purchase of the tipper, the partial construction of the Ndu Market through FEICOM financing, the construction of the public toilet near the Total Petrol Station at Ndu which has been rehabilitated and the construction of the bridge linking Njimnkang with Njilah village.

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