Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I Will Restore Dignity and Value Newly Elected Cameroon Bar President Says

Barrister Sama Francis
The fact that Bamenda was chosen as the last place to rescue the Cameroon Bar Council Association which has been wallowing in the gutter as all the past glories were almost ending up in irony was not an error. Not just because nobody could crave more for the compassion of this one-time exemplary professional association but the determined Bar members could have done nothing more than restore hopes to pay tribute to the likes of Barrister Gorji Jinka, Barrister Sendze, Yondo Black, Akere Muna, Ben Muna, Me Tchoungang and others who sat on the seat of presidency to put into materialization, a dream for generations. In fact of what use is an association, if its members cannot enjoy the enclaves of glory, dignity, peace and joy that it brings with it? Or sit helplessly to watch a billion dreams being torn apart for selfish interest. It has been indeed pathetic to say the least about the leadership of Me Meli and Eta-Bessong whose management rendered the association a laughing stock. When the Yaounde and Douala General Assemblies flopped, many had even feared the Balkanization of the Bar as intrigues, blackmail and slanders reduced the leadership of the association to naught.
Barrister Sama Francis on Rescue Mission
The Bamenda General Assembly had one take-home message as Barrister Sama Francis was voted as the messiah to rescue the Bar from near collapsing.
The fact that he received the support of other colleagues both old and new gave the impression that the house was dirty and there is an urgent need for cleansing. The fears that the Anglophone divide syndrome could have jeopardized the chances of Sama Francis taking over the management of the Bar Council were eradicated.
In a highly contested Bar Council election, Barrister Sama finally crushed others to take over the Presidency of the Bar with 252 votes. Sama’s victory seems to have generated the magnitude of applauds that the choice of Bamenda to put back the bar on rail was not by mistake.
Enter Barrister Eta-Bessong
Before handing over the command baton to the incoming, Barrister Eta-Bessong said what many could not believe has come to past and it is the time to tell the world that even with differences the Bar will stay together. “Let doubting Thomases come and see” and quoting from Shakespeare, he expressed gratitude to all those who contributed to the success story especially members of the Bar.  “We have gone through torment weather” he reiterated. “I am perfectly satisfied with what we underwent during the past four years and now there is a new driver called Barrister Sama Francis”. He added that the challenges were high and also that nothing comes by chance. He however lamented that even though the elections changed avenues from Yaoude to Douala without any success story to tell, Bamenda gave room for it. He assured his colleagues that the support will always be there. He observed that life is such that “those who push you up today could likely be your enemies tomorrow. Trust in God and do the right” he concluded.
 Barrister Sama Francis’s policy speech
Drawing inspiration from the Bible, Barrister Sama Francis ignited the crowd by thanking his colleagues adding that the victory is not that for Sama but for the Cameroon Bar Association. He pledged that he will serve everyone and not a group of people. To Barrister Sama Francis, he will promote hard work, values, loyalty and dignity. He thanked the Bamenda people for hosting the Bar Association for four days especially the management of the Bamenda Congress Hall where the gathering took place. To the representative of the Minister of Justice, Senior State Counsel for Mezam, His Lordship Ngwene George, the newly elected Bar Council President expressed thanks and gratitude. To the Press,            Barrister Sama called on the journalists to be Goodwill ambassadors to the Bar to inform the world that Bamenda was chosen to give back dignity to the Bar Association. “We should be united dear colleagues” he urged. He promised that the Bar Council shall be computerized in order to improve on efficiency and effectiveness. “The job of a lawyer is not for those who want but those who can. I will make sure all the resolutions shall be executed”.  To conclude, Barrister Sama Francis said he will make sure that the values and dignities of the Bar are restored. “The Bar must be able to make declarations on issues of law” he slammed.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa


  1. I would like to thank the author of this article which has been a sorce of information to me.Natably after the long wait .Keep up the good work i surely will keep track of more to come .
    Cheers..Fointama Che


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