Thursday, November 1, 2012

30th Anniversary Message to President Paul Biya from Bum Sub Division

 Your Excellency, the population of Fonfuka Council area as well as CPDM militants of Bum Section, Boyo IV would like to express our unflinching and unconditional support to you as we join other Cameroonians to celebrate your 30th Anniversary at the Helm of this great Nation, Cameroon.
We celebrate this event with grace and honour following the diplomatic and national victories scored during these years.
·    The progress in the democracy, economic recovery, the peace and stability Cameroonians enjoy today are very enormous and indicative of the love you have for this nation.
·    Your vision 2035 as well as your Greater Accomplishment programme, makes us proud.
·    In fact, since 1996, Bum became very steadfast and consistent in the ideals of the CPDM which resulted to the brilliant victory we scored in the 1996 Municipal and Legislative Elections. Fonfuka Council was one of the four councils ruled by the CPDM in the fief of the SDF in the North West Region. Again Bum distinguished itself in the October 2004 Presidential elections. To testify our unalloyed support to the institution which you incarnate, Bum also scored an overwhelming 74.3% in the 2007  Municipal elections and 80% in the Parliamentary to win the lone CPDM council in Boyo.
·    It is your ideals and the vision you have for this Great Nation that made Bum to be a fertile ground and the bastion of the CPDM in Boyo Division. In fact, at this special moment that we are commemorating your 30 years at the helm of our country, we your supporters have only one request. Bum wishes to have a Special Constituency as our 30th Anniversary gift from your Mr. President.
·    The people of Bum Sub Division wish you a happy anniversary.
We wish you and your Family Good Health, God guidance and Pray He gives you King Solomon’s Wisdom to continue to pilot the affairs of this nation.
                      Anniversary Mr. President.
CPDM Section President                         Mayor of Fonfuka              WCPDM President
Gwe Philip Chia                                        Wanlo John C                 Chia Mercy  Fua
                                                 YCPDM Section President
                                                    George Kimbi

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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