Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Eyong E Eyong Declares Aspirations for Mayoral Position in Mamfe Central

Eyong E Eyong looking to the stars as limit
 As biometric registration kick-starts nationwide, more and more young Cameroonians continue to declare their political intentions. Eyong E Eyong has joined the bandwagon of young political aspirants to declare his vision for a New and Transformed Mamfe “where Rural Communities and all Inhabitants of Mamfe Central will prosper and Live happily”. In his declaration note, Eyong E Eyong further amplifies that “when I take over leadership in Mamfe Municipal Council as Mayor, come 2013, my administration will embark on the EXECUTION OF MY MANIFESTO TITLE (Project Transformation of Mamfe Central”. In his declaration the young dynamic politician also outlined his political roadmap noting that his intention is to foster development efforts thus changing lives. Being a result-oriented development luminary, Eyong E Eyong says “this will include the provision of Portable Drinking Water in the Rural Communities of MAMFE CENTRAL, Creating Access Roads to their Farms by the Construction of Bridges across Streams and Opening of Motor-able Roads for the Transportation of the peoples' farm produce to the town, Installation of Street Lights powered by Solar Energy in all the villages in Mamfe Central including Mamfe town, opening of vast Mechanized Jathropha Farmlands for the production of Biofuel and Aviation fuel both for Local use and for Exportation and other cash crops. The construction of processing plants for these cash crops will be embarked upon by my administration through a Public Private Partnership (PPP) which my administration will go on a worldwide search of Investors both at Home and Abroad for the rapid industrialization of Mamfe Central and the entire Manyu Division. This will boast the Economy of Mamfe central and Manyu in terms of empowering the people and providing employments for our teeming unemployed youths. Also, the creation of Manyu Community Development Agency (MACODA) which is already under registration process will be a vehicle to drive the development of Manyu, and also the creation of a MICROFINACE BANK to be headquartered in Mamfe for the provision of subsidy to Manyu people as a means to alleviate poverty amongst our people and to empower them to embark on large scales Commercial Agriculture where our processing plants will source their raw materials from.
Through networking and business speculation in the area of capacity and sustainable development, my administration will work in partnership with international organizations whose activities are focused in the areas of Health care delivery, Education, sports, etc in the execution of various projects within the municipality for the benefit of our people.
I have been in serious discussions with an international organization for a possible grant funding for the establishment of a heritage ecovillage which shall be created during my administration to preserve, promote and market Mamfe to the international tourism market. My administration will institute the organization of an annual carnival in Mamfe to bring back home the Sons and Daughters of Manyu, National and International Tourist to participate and witness the “ANNUAL MAMFE CARNIVAL” which will sell and promote the Manyu culture and improve cultural tourism in Manyu.
For the actualization of this vision comes 2013, go ye now from Neighbour2Neighbour and proclaim to one another that Barrister Eyong Elvis Eyong is the man to wipe our tears and to bring Transformation of Mamfe Central Come 2013 !!!”

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa


  1. Good manifesto my dear brother. I pray you realised your dreams and live by your promise to the people of manyu.

  2. Good manifesto my dear brother. I pray you realised your dreams and live by your promise to the people of manyu.

  3. Sir, I am amazed at ur manifesto. What draws my attention is the fact that the exploration of biofuel, aviation fuel, and the installation of sular power lights is among your manifesto. The question is, where around manyu division are these resources found?. How reliable are these resources, most especial solar energy will satisfy the population need. I understand during the dry season, there is little or no light.

  4. Studies have shown that demand for biofuels throughout the world stand at 90-100 million metric tons in 2011. Growth in world biofuel demand will continue to expand at a rapid double-digit annual pace, reaching 121 million metric tons in 2014. Bioethanol will experience the greatest gains, as continued steady growth in the large North American market will be
    accompanied by more rapid advances in the Asia/Pacific region and Europe. Global trade in biofuels will rise rapidly in the future as large biofuel consuming countries like New Zealand are forced to seek additional supply, and a number of smaller developing countries seek to exploit biofuel exports. This biofuel can be extracted from plants like jetropha, palm oil vegitable oil, etc.
    Within the first year of our administration,land shall be identified and cultivated for the growing of Jatropha plants, cassava, oil palm, vegitable, etc. In the 2nd year of our administration, we will go into the construction of domestic jetropha oil presses, a cassava processing plant and an oil mill in the villages of Nchang, Besongabang and Okoyong respectively. This projects shall be carried out in a joint venture partnership with venture capital investors. Priority will be given to sons and daughters of Manyu for the joint venture partnership with the municipal council maintaining 60% of the shares.
    Our administration shall also provide farmers with high breed of these seedlings and other incentives to those who want to go into the growing of these cash crops and plants. the farmers shall in-turn sell their produce to the municipal council which will be used to feed the processing industries.
    On the provision of street lights in all the 11 villages of Mamfe Central, The Peoples' Action Party are in contact and also and ongoing negotiation with an Indian company which is in the manufacturing of solar panels and installation accessories. When voted in we will sign a deal with this company to supply, install and also the training (free of charge) of our youths on the installation and maintenance of these solar driven light.
    I want to say thank you for your comments and also to tell you to go and tell from your Neighbour2 Neighbour that the only party that can bring FRESH AIR AND TRANSFORMATION in MAMFE CENTRAL IS NO OTHER THAN THE PAP and as such let them go out and register and on the voting day vote for the PAP to give us an opportunity to serve them and bring our projects to realization for the benefit of us all and our children yet unborn.THANK YOU


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