Monday, November 19, 2012

From Humble Beginning, NACDA Celebrates 50 Years of Sustainable Development

Ntumfor presents jubilee monument to British High Commissioner and Swiss Ambassador
Historic moments as they say are often lived in extraordinary ways; this statement testifies why over fifteen thousand people joined the fon of Awing village in Santa Sub Division- Mezam Division of the North West Region last November 17, 2012 to commemorate fifty years of self reliant development under the umbrella of the Ndong Awing Cultural and Development Association-NACDA. To the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Golden Jubilee, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle, for fifty years, Awing people have through self-reliance performed various feasts by doing extraordinary things using extraordinary ways which is worth celebrating. He said the 50 years was marked by peace, concord, harmony and self-help sustainable initiatives. Having been schooled by the surrounding and natural factors, the Awing people believe that Heaven helps only those who help themselves, the Awing people from a humble and modest beginning finally succeeded in putting in place one of the most vibrant village cultural and development association. As Prof. Mbangwana Paul puts in the Golden Jubilee Message that: it was not long they began realizing the veracity of that adage which started giving dividends. When Awing people started constructing the road from Santa Coffee estate to the village and the progress of the work got hindered by the steep hills and heavy, large stones, the government showed great concern and brought in the World Bank in 1975 to bulldoze it; when the village did the road from the village to Awing Lake, government saw it was good and stepped in 1992 through the French Development Agency and Ministry of Tourism; when NACDA brought in pipe-borne water to the village and villagers drank water for the first time in 1988, assistance started flowing in from the department of Community Development, African Development Fund and recently GP Derudep to the rest of the village; when NACDA struggled and brought electricity from Matazem right to Awing Palace the government got interested and the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources came into the extension phase and started supplying light to the rest of the fondom. Today you can do your banking and money transfer here without much ado. You can spend a night or two in Awing in a quiet private facility. Awing Fondom has been transformed into a developed rural area” in 50 years he confirmed.
Ntumfor hands Gift from NACDA USA to Awing Fon
On his part, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Golden Jubilee, Barrister Ntumfor Nico Halle expressed gratitude to all development partners and friends of Awing, government agencies as well as those who in one way of the other supported their efforts. Ntumfor exploded with optimism in one of his comments that Awing people are incredibly grateful that so many people have joined them on their journey for the last 50 years and some for the entire time.
He thanked the World Bank, the American Embassy, the British High Commission, the Canadian High Commission, the Royal Dutch Embassy, the French Development Agency, Helvetas, African Development Fund, British VSO, the American Peace Corps, German Embassy, Swiss Embassy, CERAC, the Nigeria Consular, Nigerian Community in Bamneda as well as the government of Cameroon. The chairman of the organizing committee also poured showers of praises to some distinguished personalities who traveled to Awing. He thanked the British High Commissioner and Wife, Swiss Ambassador, Representative of the Nigeria Consular General, the Nigeria Consular for South West Region, Consular for Littoral, SDF National Chairman, The Divisional Officer for Santa, the Mayor of Santa, Former Governor Fai Yengo Francis, Dr. Dorothy Njeuma and daughter, the Press and thousand others who were buried in the crowd for the timely support. Ntumfor Nico Halle used the occasion to frown at some misguided fellows who want to steer trouble between the village of Awing and Baligham. To the fon of Awing, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle congratulated him and the other dynamic traditional rulers who came to commune with them and concluded that “ by their truth, we shall know them”.
Ntumfor receives NACDA Recognition from hands of SDF Nat. Chairman
NACDA it should be noted in its policy speech which was read by Prof. Mbangwana Paul had signaled it nine neigbours that “we are condemn to live in peace for our welfare, our economy, growth and development” which indicates that peace and mutual co-existence should prevail. Quoting what President Kennedy told his neigbour, Canada, Awing in the same vein reminded her neigbours that : Geography has made us neigbours; History has made us friends, brothers and sisters; Economics has made us partners; and necessity has made us allies. Those whom nature hath joined together; Let no man put asunder”. To detractors, NACDA was categorical that for the association to reach where it she is today, it is thanks to the peace the Head of State, Paul Biya has made as his credo in the nation’s governance and that the way forward for NACDA is peace, harmony and concord.
However, NACDA pleaded with government that if an enabling environment is set up at the Awing Lake, it will create a large beautiful layout for estate developers in Cameroon. Accordingly, NACDA noted that Awing Lake can transform the whole of Santa Sub Division and the rest of the region for a better tomorrow. Besides, NACDA also reminded government of their general cry for Awing Fondom to be granted an administrative unit.

Cross section of fons
Flanked by 25 other colleagues fons, the Fon of Awing HRH Fozoh II said he was short of words because what he had in mind has been exhibited on banners and while the Chairman of the Organizing has said it all. He however thanked friends of Awing, especially government and diplomatic missions as well as development agencies for their continuous assistance in transforming his community.
On his part, the British High Commissioner applauded the self-help sustainable efforts of the Awing people. He observed that in all the places he had gone, people always ask for help without showing any efforts but in Awing, he found a new dynamism that the forge for what they need. He applauded NACDA for changing lives in a very significant and sustainable way.
There was fanfare and ecstasy with cultural display and dancing. The merrymaking was total as the people past and present Presidents of NACDA as well as NACDA branches were rewarded for hard work. Furthermore, NACDA Diaspora donated a giant picture to the fon which was handed by Barrister Ntumfor Nico Halle.
It should be noted that Awing village is one of those villages that the Almighty God has blessed with several university dons, ambassadors, medical and para-medical doctors, seasoned engineers, professional teachers, journalists, renowned lawyers with some enjoying reputable international standing, administrators, magistrates, chartered accountants, financial experts, business women and men, senior army and police officers, active prosperous farmers, mayors and MPs who are serving humanity. 

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