Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fru Ndi Declares Senatorial Ambitions

The National Chairman of the leading opposition in Cameroon has declared his intentions to contest in the upcoming Senatorial elections in Cameroon. SDF Chairman made the declaration while addressing SDF militants at Ndu in Donga Mantung Division of the North West Region. SDF chieftain who was on a regional tour to galvanize potential voters to register massively ahead of the municipal and legislative elections used the occasion to declare own senatorial ambitions. However, he made it clear that he will not accept senatorial elections to hold with councilors whose mandates have all expired. Fru Ndi added that he rejected going into the council and Parliament but this time he is ready to contest to go to the senate if Mr. Biya respects legality. Ni John Fru Ndi it should be recalled during his tour of Donga Mantung Division stormed Tabenken, Nkambe, Lus and Ndu where hundreds turned out to listen to SDF National chairman. 
While in Tabenken village in Nkambe Central, one of the speakers who attracted  alot of admiration was Chris Mbunwe. Chris Mbunwe, in his capacity as SDF Regional Communication Secretary thrilled the people of Tabenken on the various  political malpractices orchestrated by the CPDM to rig elections. The rigging machinery, Chris said is actually in difficulties with biometric registration. Thus, Chris Mbunwe urged his people of Tabenken to register massively in order to vote because "no single vote will be stolen". He also used the occasion to bief the population on the 14 points the SDF submitted to the Biya government. He said the SDF pressed for transparent ballot boxes, biometric registration and that the SDF is still on fighting for single ballot papers.
What if Fru Ndi is appointed Senator?
Popular opinion holds that Nfi John Fru should be appointed as Senator giving his contribution to the political process in Cameroon. Base on the fact that the Constitution gives the head of state the right to appoint 30 of the 100 to make up the senate, many see no reason why Ni John Fru Ndi should not be appointed as well. Eventhough Ni John Fru Ndi is of the opposition, he  represents the aspiration of majority of Cameroonians. As a matter of fact, a senate without Ni John Fru Ndi will automatically means the collapse of democracy in Cameroon. However, it is not yet clear whether SDF chieftain will accept if appointed as senator. Notwithstanding,  the cordial relationship that Fru Ndi has been enjoying with his friend Paul Biya could be consolidated with his appointment into the senate. Yet the secrecy of the meeting held between Paul Biya and Fru Ndi before the head of state could leave Cameroon for Paris has been interpreted in different ways by bookmakers. Pundits are of the opinion that Fru Ndi's declaration to become senator is a no nonsense one. Yet it is difficult for him to become senator with the present councilors in place reasons why Fru Ndi himself told militants in Ndu where he made that declaration that he can only contest provide the feild is level. If senate elections hold before municipal and legislative elections, then Fru Ndi will not make it. This because SDF won 14 councils while the CPDM won 18. The number of councilors of the CPDM will be more than those of the SDF. Since the head of state will appoint 30, Fru Ndi can be one of the lucky ones to be appointed.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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