Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Senatorial Results: Fako CPDM Bubbles Over 15 Votes as Chief Inoni Factor Explodes

 By Regin Muchop
Former Prime Minister Chief Thomas Inoni Ephraim
The CPDM in Fako is reported in a strange mode following preliminary votes count as the Chief Inoni factor surface in poll results. Classified sources hinted that 15 councilors voted SDF list while two others casted theirs in the waste basket. This scenario according to what we gathered is tearing the CPDM apart. Accordingly, everyone is suspicious of the other. A school of thought holds that Chief Inoni Ephraim’s loyalists for once had the opportunity to express their grievances through the ballot. Supporters of the former Prime Minister we were hinted decided to pay the CPDM in their own game of the mastiff. Not withstanding the threats of "treason" that had been preached against in Fako ahead voting was fruitless. An authoritative voice hinted that Chief Inoni’s supporters are bent on giving the CPDM a bitter lesson. “It is just the beginning because the worst is still to come”, one young man who preferred not to be named remarked during preliminary vote counts in Limbe. He whispered that the CPDM will pick their shock in the upcoming municipal and legislative elections. It is aired in that the CPDM Councilors in Fako who still decided to respect the voices of their consciences and not along party lines are being hunted. Yet the hunt we gathered will yield no fruit because majority of the councilors would have done the same if not of the threats and the fact that the councils were distributed in identical polls.
Another source hinted that even though two people were taken from Fako to remedy the situation, the plan has flopped woefully. Mayors Matute Daniel and Mbella Moki Charles were picked for CPDM senatorial list contrary to public opinion that Manyu or Meme would have been preferred due to their sizes. It is even alleged that if the Supreme Court decides to validate 60+1 as hinted, the SDF will pick majority of majority of the seats in the South West Region. It is alleged that if President Biya summons the Electoral College for municipal and legislative elections for July 7, as predicted the coming into play of Ayah Paul’s People Action Party, the CPDM will be escorted out of the region. With this cacophony taking the central stage in the South West, PAP will likely sweep Manyu and Lebialem Divisions while the SDF will dictate it supremacy in Ndian, Meme and Fako Divisions. Kupe Muaneguba (of the Ngole Ngwesse’s and Ngolle Ngolle) would have to work hard to have a share of the votes. SDF and PAP will explore the divisive tendency in the Division to pick Nguti, Bangem or Tombel council.  

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