Sunday, May 19, 2013

Lightning Strike Ravages 22 Cows in Donga Mantung

Ardo Yaya Adamu’s herd has been reduced to almost half by a lightning strike. The incident that took place on May 13, 2013 at Akweto –Misaje has left breeders of Donga Mantung Division in the North West Region of Cameroon speechless. It is very common in the North West Region that every year tens to hundreds of cows are killed by lightning strike. Twenty-two mature cows were electrocuted by the lightning strike.

The strike also knocked down the herdsman but he didn’t sustain any major injury. The group of cows was in the valley during the heavy down pour of rain. Even some cows that were up the hill were also killed
Twenty cows were electrocuted under the tree shades while two others were also killed up the hill. About 30 were out of the range of the lightning strike and they all survived. Yet, all the old bulls were all killed. “I lost 18 animals of ages 14 and 15 years old”, narrates Ardo Yaya Adamu in agony and pains. A technician from the Divisional Delegation of Livestock told this reporter that the least of the cow could cost not less than 180.000 FCFA and that biggest could have been sold at about 700.000 FCFA live-weight.The damages incurred by Ardo Yaya Adamu is estimated at about 20-28 Million FCFA.
It is even alleged that the horns of cows attract lightning. Yet it has not been proven. Ardo Yougouda Moussa also remarked that every time lightning strikes, it also looks for a mass to hit. He said since the area is savanna without huge trees, lightning seek solace in cows. All eyes are turned to the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization where there is a fund for victims of natural disasters for the grazer to re-establish himself.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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