Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hon. Awudu Mbaya, Esther Ngala Mock at UFO Politicians

from left to right: Do for Nkambe, SDO for D/M, Hon Awudu, Hon. Esther
The Members of Parliament for Donga Mantung Centre in the North West Region of Cameroon have all called on UFO elite politicians who before and during the last September 30, 2013 elections paraded villages with porch cars to  join them so that they could foster development efforts. The MPs made the clarion call while addressing a mammoth crowd at the Ndu and Nkambe grandstands during a groundbreaking civic reception on December 14, 2013. According to Hon. Awudu Mbaya Cyprian, Quaestor at the National Assembly, he will not go back to the obnoxious practices that transpired before, during and after the September Polls which finally ushered them into the National Assembly. Harping on the much talked about “development” which was subject matter before and during elections, Hon. Awudu Mbaya emphasized that “we saw all the manipulations but the game is over and now is the time for work”. Accordingly, he described politics as a very practical game to foster development efforts but lamented that politics has been transformed into a dirty game by overzealous the UFO political elite who think that it must be won by all cost. Hon. Awudu challenged all the elite(s) who stormed Donga Mantung Division with Prados and porch cars that they should all come back home to join them so that they can serve the people. “We have offered ourselves to serve the population of Ndu and Nkambe and if need be, we will die for you”, Hon. Awudu Mbaya reminded the population. Hon. Awudu vomited that “you massively voted to send us to the National Assembly and we have come back to say thank you. And as representatives of the population, we have gone beyond party consideration”. Politics he added is not to antagonize people. Being a Christian and a practical one for that matter, Hon. Awudu Mbaya after drawing his inspiration from the Father of African politics Nelson Mandela said that he has forgiven all those who wanted him out of
Hon. Awudu Mbaya
parliament by all cost and also begged for pardon from those on whose toes he stepped ignorantly before and during the campaigns. He also used the opportunity to announce some lofty projects which they have lobbied for the people of Ndu and Nkambe which range from construction of schools, health centres and even a sum of 47 million FCFA each for Ndu and Nkambe councils. To Hon. Awudu Mbaya, it is high time for all the four MPs of Donga Mantung Division to work as a team in order for the Division to emerge. As to the whether Ndu and Nkambe should be separated into two constituencies, Hon. Awudu Mbaya reminded the population that it is at the discretion of President Paul Biya given that after creating administrative units, President Biya also created political constituencies. “Luckily enough, President Biya thought it wise to unite the Mbum people under the Nkambe Centre Constituency” and at the same time,  Nwa he noted was carved as a Special Constituency. However, he said that he is not against Ndu and Nkambe separating but added that it was not by error President Paul Biya decided that the (wi) Mbum people of  Ndu and Nkambe should remind as a united force. “We are hoping that with the coming of the Savannah Region, Ndu, Nkambe, Ako, Misaje and Nwa will all be upgraded into full fledged Divisions and why Not Wat, Tabenken and Binka having their own councils.  He announced that while at the National Assembly he was again voted to the position of Questor and this time not Questor No 3 but was moved up to Questor No 2. It should be noted that Hon. Awudu Mbaya entered into record as the lone Anglophone MP who succeeded in going back into the glass house after being voted Questor. The first Questor of the SDF party was Hon. Akonteh, he was booted out at the primaries by Hon. Aaron Neba. The almighty Hon. Yoyo moved into his shoes and he was booted out by Hon. Njigum Musa. Two Anglophones were elected Questors, Hon. Awudu and Nji Fidelis. Hon. Nji Fidelis was flushed out by Ndong Larry Hills alias Wum Boy and Hon. Awudu break record by not only going back to the National Assembly but again and above all retaining his post of Questor. He concluded that as MP he was hoping to see all the other political parties yet the CPDM boycotted including their mayor. “I will not go back to what transpired but I think what happened obliges us to work together. God is witness that we have extended the hand”.Hon Awudu also used the opportunity to thank Mangoh Jones Tanko, former mayor of Nkambe for his trapping at the helm of the Nkambe council such as the construction of schools, the Nkambe Grandstand, the Council Chamber, the provision of potable water etc.
Hon. Esther Ngala
On her part, Hon. Esther Ngala Ntala commonly known as Donga Mantung political Queen thanked the population of Ndu and Nkambe for their massive turn-out. She expressed gratitude to the population for their sense of responsibility. Ma Esther Ngala, said it was in 2007 that she went to parliament and by then she was the lone female MP from the North West Region and the only one from the position. Today, Hon. Esther Ngala says she is proud that more women have joined the bandwagon. She also used the opportunity to request for a minute of silence in honour of the departed African Hero Nelson Mandela. She lamented the absence of two councilors of Ndu Council, noting with sadness the death of DK Nfor, former mayor of Ndu council. Hon. Esther in her usual charismatic manner told the population of Ndu and Nkambe that they might have observed that SDF MPs and some CPDM stormed out of the national assembly. This, she added was due to the fact that the Senate did not want to present how they would use their budget estimated at 15 billion FCFA. “This is a violation of the rights of Cameroonians because as representatives of the population, their role is to give feedbacks. It should be noted that Hon. Esther Ngala was also voted as chairperson of the cultural and social committee at the National Assembly. She is one of the two female MPs to head a committee.
Enter Bunyui Emmanuel, Mangoh Jones, Ngabah Eric and Mbeh Wilfred
Welcoming the MPs at the Ndu grandstand, the mayor of Ndu council Bunyui Emmanuel said the civic reception was a mark of the beginning of a new era in the life of Donga Mantung Centre Constituency. According to Bunyui Emmanuel, the political ingenuity of the two MPs have been a source of inspiration to the people of Donga Mantung Division. He described Hon. Esther as a female politician who has moved above the male artificial barriers marked by cultural beliefs and male chauvinism, thus stimulating female participation in politics at all spheres and giving birth to triplets with three female SDF MPs. On the other hand, he said Hon. Awudu steadfastness has made him a political icon and development luminary of all times. “It is thanks to your savoir-faire that the birth of Savannah Radio and Millennium Television” came to existence, he shower praises Hon. Awudu. 
He said politics is an intellectual game aw well as a game of numbers. However, politics he retreated is concerned with the management of people and resources and not meant to antagonize families and friends. He call on all the politicians to close ranks and forge with meaningful development given that there is no SDF road and nor CPDM water. He called on the politicians, elite and the clergy to put all heads under the same thinking caps and transform Donga Mantung into the land of Doctors and Masters. To the MPs he concluded by saying that they are “not only politicians but leaders because while politicians focus on the next election, leaders focus on the next generation”.
Mangoh Jones Tanko, former mayor of Nkambe on his part said abject poverty and misery has pushed the population into obnoxious acts. He said he saw hopelessness at the September 30 Polls whereby voters’ cards and vote casts were traded like loaves of bread. He lamented that politics has become a game for rituals and other obnoxious practices like corruption putting the case of Nkambe to lime-light. To Mangoh Jones Tanko, Cameroon can only emerge if government gives attention to the needs of the rural poor. He talked about the pathetic journey from Bamenda to Nkambe on the million pot-holes road known as the ring road, the lack of teachers, poor health services and even requested for the reform of the education system.
The SDF District Chairman for Ndu, Ngabah Eric on his part called on the clergy men and women to enter politics. He used the case of Desmond Tutu to illustrate his argument adding that he saw God’s intervention during the September Polls in spit of the corruption, rituals, and libations practiced by the UFO political elite and traditional rulers. “God did not permit them to go through. At Last when the so called elite saw that their rituals failed, the next morning they disappeared with their Prados”. He also decried the poor treatment of workers of CTE Ndu and suggested the government should revisit the contract. “The privatization has not only affected the workers but hit the population of Ndu who are farmers”.
In Nkambe, elatd Mbeh Wilfred Shey, the SDF District chairman on his part said that the SDF is waxing strong in Nkambe. He said the scientific vote rigging has not change the fact that the SDF is the majority party. He blamed those who want to use politics as a tool to destroy that history will judge them when the time shall come.
SDO, DOs Present But Mayor of Nkambe, Ngabir Paul Conspicuously Absent,
The Senior Divisional Officer for Donga Mantung Division, Ngone Ndodemesape Bernard and entourage also stole the show at the Nkambe grandstand as both MPs shower-praised them.  The Divisional Officer for Nkambe Central was also there to be part of the new way. At Ndu it was the no-nonsense Divisional Officer for Ndu who advised the population to shy away from politics of destruction.  Those who say that once somebody is elected into a public office, that person represents the interest of all left Nkambe asking rhetorical questions.  This is so because of the absence of mayor of Nkambe, Ngabir Paul at the civic reception of Hon. Awudu Mbaya and Hon. Esther Ngala. Yet sources linked to the SDF District secretariat hinted the mayor was informed and notified. However all attempts to get to Ngabir Paul to get his own side of the story were not fruitful. Allegations are rife at that a contractor who was assigned the job to construct culverts at Binju was asked to quit given that he is SDF. According to the hint, the said elite based in Yaounde whose name (I have just forgotten) is quoted to have told the contractor that he should wait when the SDF takes over the council he could apply for jobs. Yet, the contract which was to be executed by the delegation of Public works hasn’t any reference and not to talk of other impedes. However, a school of thought holds that the mayor of Nkambe boycotted by paying Awudu in his own coin since he too was conspicuously absent at his installation. But Awudu Mbaya, is also quoted to have said that h could not show up at the installation because at that particular moment, they were busy deliberating on the state budget. Dark clouds loom large as to whether the two elected officials will throw away their political jackets and work for the interest of the population. Allegations abound that Ngabir Paul was spotted dancing heads high at NKASOG at Millennium Night club. Implicitly it was a boycott and nothing else another school of thought holds. More so, it should be recalled that during his installation former Mayor of Nkambe Mangoh Jones Tanko was not even given a seat at the grandstand. Sources say it was thanks to the kindness of a clergyman that the former mayor had a seat reasons why Mangoh was spotted with clergymen on that day. It is even alleged that Ngabir Paul Bantar has refused to pay bills owe Mangoh on grounds that the later destroyed his shop some years back. Hail rising looms large as Sammy Mgbata formerly Treasurer of Nkambe now Mayor of Misaje council continue to play double rules in violation of the text at Nkambe council.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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