Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hon. Abe Michael Creates the Unexpected at National Youth Day Celebration

By Haruna Mohammadou on Special Assignment 
The Member of Parliament for the Ako/Misaje Special Constituency Hon. Abe Michael Ndra has created the unexpected by storming Abafum Youth Day Centre with Parliamentary goodies to commune with the youth. The euphoric arrival of  the MP and his entourage was an unimaginable historic event. At the entrance of Abafum, a mammoth crowd estimated at about 2000 headed by one of the illustrious sons Keyi Dickson were at hand to usher the MP to the ceremonial ground. The presence of some dignitaries from neigbouring Nigeria added more colour and meaning to the event. The presence of the representative of Chairman of the Kurmi Local Council who was flanked by the Chief of Bissola Chief Umarou and the Queen Mother portrayed the friendly nature of the neigbouring villages.
After the singing of the national anthem, Hon. Abe Michael took time to explain to the youth the message of the Head of State, President Paul Biya. This was due to the absence of a sound system. The was absolute silence except the sound of the little bird from the near-by forest. The march pass was colourful and splendid as what could never be said in speeches was literally expressed in songs. The lone nursery school, GNS Abafum kick-started the march pass and was followed by GS Abafum, GS Ekepio, GS Mpentaba and GS Akwancha. CPDM Youths, Achaba Boys and youth groups took their turn to showcase their strength and determination to foster national integration. After singing, dancing and sporting activities, the MP who was also the personal representative of the Divisional Officer dolled out encouraging prizes to the best arts. At the end of the ceremony, Hon. Abe Michael Ndra donated report cards to all the pupils of the five schools that make up the Abafum Youth Day Centre. 
Talking to this reporter Hon. Abe Michael said that decided to celebrate the 48th edition of this year's youth day in Abafum so as to inspire the youth. He said that it was another way of telling the people of the neigbouring villages to Nigeria that they are Cameroonians and the nation cares for them as well. He disclosed that he will make sure that pupils in these neigbouring villages are provided with good school infrastructure. Hon. Abe said when he visited Government School Ekepio on his way, he understood that there is an urgent need for classrooms for the schools.
On his part, the Fon of Abafum expressed joy on the creation of the Abafum Youth Day Centre. He said it has reduced the stress pupils use to undergo to get to the Buku Youth Day Centre which is about 10-11 km. 

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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