Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hon. Awudu's Largess Gets to Youth Day Centres, Ignites Hope in Youths

Hon. Awudu at Wat Youth Day Centre
The Member of Parliament for Donga Mantung Centre Constituency (Nkambe) who doubles as Quaestor at the National Assembly has donated prizes to youth centres in Nkambe Central to encourage excellence among youths. Apart from donating to the youths, the MP for Nkamb also dolled out financial support to members of the various organizing committees to enable them afford for entertainment after the laudable job. After attending the official ceremony at the Nkambe Grandstand, the Member of Parliament and his delegation paid a courtesy visit at the Kungi, Njap, Chup, Wanti, Nwangri, Mbot and Tabenken Youth Centres. Talking to journalists after the marathon tour of these centres, Hon. Awudu Mbaya said that he would have loved to visit all the centres but due to time constraint and the poor landscape, he had only to go to these areas. He also added that even though he was not physically present at Bih, Binka and Mayo-Binka, he assigned others to represent him. He also regretted that even though he got to Mbot and Tabenken late, he was ably represented in these areas.
At Chup Youth Day Centre
Harping on the importance of the celebration, Hon. Awudu Mbaya said that anyone that doesn't care about the future of the youths is building a foundation on sand. “Youths are the leaders of tomorrow”, he added. “The youths constitute the foundation on which a nation is built and it is my wish that they should be encouraged”, Hon. Awudu continued. He said that on all the prizes that he supported the various youth day centres with, there is a sticker on which he expresses his concern for the youths which read thus: Your Future Remains my Concern. He said he was marvel by the fact that notion of national integration was vivid in the songs and dance groups that were performed by youths. Hon. Awudu cited the case of GHS Mbuwarr where student staged a dance from Manyu. To him, these are actions that should be encouraged so that national integration becomes a practical reality. The only message to youths is that of hard work and determination. And that going to school and studying well is what will make them leaders of tomorrow. “We need people to replace us tomorrow. My message is that you should concentrate in studying well so that tomorrow some of you could be mayors, MPs, Ministers, Directors, teachers and why not the President of this country”? In his conclusion, he disclosed that the 48th Youth Day celebration was a resounding success. Echoes from other centres he emphasized indicated that the event passed on hitch-free. It should be noted that Madam Mary Awudu who attended the event at Njap Youth Day Centre was the lone sponsor of the football encounter between GTTC Njap versus Njap village Boys. She also donated a lumpsum to the referee to enable him acquire a nice sport outfit.  
At the Kungi Youth Day Center, Nfor Emmanuel told this reporter that he is overwhelmed with the presence of the MP and the items that he has donated. In Chup Stephenie Mburli said she is feeling happy that she is going back home with a bucket donated by the MP. At the Wat Youth Day Centre Kimbi Wilson exploded that he is delighted that his centre was chosen by the MP.

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