Thursday, February 27, 2014

Reunification Fall-outs: South West Chiefs Conference Splits over Presidential Largess

An atmosphere of uncertainty now looms in the South West Region after the departure of President Biya and wife, Chantal Biya. Information filtering into our indicates that Fako Chiefs have stormed out of the South West Chief Conference-SWCC headed by Fon Senator Fontem. According to the hint, Fako chiefs are angry over the fact that they were sidelined in the distribution of money President Biya gave them. It is also alleged that the Fako chiefs had demanded that the South West Chiefs Conference should tell Biya to release Inoni but the motion was rejected. Coupled with the fact that Fako chiefs were poorly treated by their peers during the sharing of the booties President Biya gave to them, they have decided to quit SWCC for good. It is aired that a sum of 100.000.000 FCFA was handed to SWCC after the audience with President Biya and that chiefs from other areas sidelined them in the sharing. More so, Fako chiefs are also angry that they were not also selected in the delegation that met President Biya.   
An insider hinted The Eye that the chiefs are threatening to all register and become SCNC members if Chief Inoni is not freed. A school of thought holds that the sharing of money only came to add more flames to the long accumulated grievances and the marginalization of the Fako fons. The fon of Fontem who is the President of the South West Chiefs Conference is actually on a hot seat given that he is been tele-guided by some CPDM gurus. 
However, critical minds are of the opinion that it is wrong for the chiefs of Fako to withdraw from the South West Chiefs Conference given that Fako chief did not register as a group. Besides, the treasurer of the South West Conference is from Fako. Dark clouds loom as to whether it was the treasurer that shared the money that has torn SWCC apart. However, when contacted Fon Fontem debunked allegations that Fako chiefs have decided to quit SWCC. He said he has not yet been notified officially and that to him, the SWCC is united and indivisible. He also revealed that chiefs were selected from all the division when they were going to meet President Biya. "I am not the one who selected those who were received by the head of state, it was the job of the executive", he continued. On the 100 million FCFA scandal, Fon Fontem said he doesn't have any idea that there was money to be shared and others were treated unfairly. To him, the South West Chiefs Conference is the most organized and should serve as a model to others nationwide.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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