Thursday, September 4, 2014

Misaje FC Beats Nkanchi FC To Win Ndansi Elvis' Trophy

Misaje Football club has emerged as the winners of the Ndansi Elvis' football tournament. Misaje FC defeated Nkanchi FC by 2 goals to zero to grasp the trophy. The football encounter which took place at Misaje municipal stadium was described by many as the highest crowd puller. Speaking at the final, Ndansi Elvis Nukam, NUDP National Youth President congratulated the teams that participated in the tournament as well as the dynamic population of Misaje for understanding sports is a social activity that enhances community coexistence. He used the ocassion to talk elaborately on the famous ebola virus and the phenomenon of Boko Haram which have become very disturbing. 
He called on the youth and others to work in communion with local and administrative authorities to ensure that there is peace in Misaje. He also called on the youth to shy away from drinking early in the morning but rather to work on the farms in order to make their little contribution toward the development of the municipality. 
There was dancing and feasting at the end of the final. (soccer in images)

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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