Thursday, July 30, 2015

Hon. Genesis Mbucksek Commended for Nwa Rural Electrification Project

The Senior Divisional Officer for Donga Mantung Division has appreciated the efforts deployed by some MPs to lobby for rural electrification projects in the Division. Ngone Ndodemesape Bernard made the declaration at the beginning of the week during the official launching of rural electrification projects in Donga Mantung Division. Speaking at the launching ceremony, Donga Mantung SDO said the electrification projects are estimated at more than FCFA 2billion. He said not long ago the Rural Electrification Agency paid out compensation in some localities in the Division. “This time the Electricity Development Corporation is coming with another project that involves over 12 localities in the Division”. Speaking in his capacity as chairman of the committee that will carry out assessment of property that will be damaged, the SDO continued that “this is development coming”. It was during this launching that the representative of Electricity Development Corporation –EDC disclosed the various packages. According to the representative of EDC, three sub Divisions will benefit from this first phase of the project. They are Nwa, Nkambe central and Ndu sub Divisions respectively.
The Eye gathered that it is thanks to Hon. Genesis Mbucksek that electricity will get to Nwa, the sub Divisional headquarters and its environs not as purported by some elite of Nwa. That is why Donga Mantung SDO was very clear when he revealed that it is thanks to the MPs of these areas that the projects were approved. Hon. Mbucksek we learnt had spent huge amount of money for the feasibility studies given the hilly nature of the area.
To confirm this, a classified source in the Ministry of Water and Energy hinted that this project submitted by Hon. Genesis Mbucksek was approved as far back as 2012 as per the instruction of the Minister to the Director of PRERETD. Yet, it is alleged that some elite(s) of Nwa were on tree tops claiming to have worked for the project. With the above evidences, the true hunting dog for the people of Nwa is no other person but Hon. Genesis Mbucksek. “We are happy with Hon. Mbucksek for his exploits as far as this project is concern”, Fon of Mbem, head of one of the beneficiary communities told this reporter. The Nwa Electricity project extends from Luh, Sop, Rom, Mbem to Nwa town.
It should be recalled that Nwa Sub Division is the only administrative unit in the North West Region that has benefitted from the Green Tree Accord following the verdict of the Bakassi crisis at the international court of justice. This is so because seven villages along the 140km long boundary between Nwa and the Taraba state were handed back to Cameroon. Hon. Mbucksek has been burning the midnight candle to make sure that the quality of life in his constituency is improved, especially those of these villages. Nwa is the oldest and the largest Sub Division in Cameroon yet access to electricity has been an acute problem. Prospects are now high that with the coming of electricity to Nwa, other surrounding villages will soon be connected inorder to enjoy the benefits of modern technology.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

1 comment:

  1. Thank U Honourable for the great achievement.


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