Friday, August 21, 2015

Rural Electrification: Hon. Awudu, PREVETD Surveyors Sensitize Beneficiary Communities

The euphoria that saluted the Member of Parliament for Donga Mantung Centre and the team of surveyor at Bongom, Mantu, Nfiengong, Wejing, Yakwa, Mbabi, Kindfu, Beeh, Mandfu, Konya, Mbanka, Nterbang, Moh and Njema was full of excitement. PREVETD team which was headed by Ambassa Gerald had one principal mission, to carryout perking before the evaluation team. Hon. Awudu Mbaya took time to explain to the population the reasons why it is very necessary for the surveyors to carryout the exercise before the evaluation Commission steps in. Hon. Awudu also took time to explain to the beneficiaries that the project is funded by the African Development Bank and the African Fund as well as the Cameroon Government. And that he is the one who lobbied for the projects. He called on population to make sure that those whose property would be touched by the electricity lines are informed so that they could be compensated. He reiterated that the commission to evaluate the damages shall be headed by the Senior Divisional Officer for Donga Mantung Division. “If your property is within the areas of the line and you do not have your identity card, make sure that you do it now”.
The team is also expected in the days ahead to visit Sah, Bih and Binjeng for a similar exercise. (more details soon)

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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