Monday, October 5, 2015

Zimbabwean Preacher "walks on air’?

This is Africa
Pastor Shepherd Bushiri. Photo: Youtube screenshot
Shepherd Bushiri
Well-known Zimbabwean preacher, Pastor Shepherd Bushiri, recently released a video depicting himself 'walking on air' - one of his many claimed 'miracles'. On closer inspection, however, the feat may not be as miraculous as he says. 
Once again we have to tell you about yet another popular preacher whose claims and ‘demonstrations’ of supernatural power has grown his congregation to consist of thousands of members.
Whether or not his claims are true is really not for us to say but we get really concerned when we see cracks in his ‘powers’ that his faithful flock may be oblivious to – or even plainly refuse to see.
Pastor Shepherd Bushiri, a Zimbabwean faith leader is by many measures, a successful preacher. That’s if his 239,000-strong and more than 13,000 fans on Facebook and Twitter are anything to go by.
He recently released a video showing him walking down an impressive staircase in what the Daily Mail claims is his Malawi mansion.
The clip begins with a wide shot of Bushiri walking down the staircase with his hands aloft. The camera then pans to either side of that empty section of the house. As he gets nearer to the last step, the camera shot zooms in towards his feet which, after some shuffling sounds by the door, begin to levitate.
Why did the camera zoom into his feet at that specific moment in time? Whose shadow is moves away from his as the camera zooms out? These are the questions some of his followers should ask before paying the man for his ‘magic’.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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