Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Reorganization of Basic Organs of the CPDM: Abdou Borno Wins Big in Donga Mantung II

Abdou Borno Kamfon has been anonymously elected Section President for Donga Mantung II, Ndu. In an acceptance speech after his exploits, this is what he old militants and sympathizers of the CPDM.... 
"Dear all. I am honored to have been elected and installed as CPDM section President for Donga Mantung 2, Ndu on 15th November 2015.
My election as section President and Madam Naomi Nfor as WCPDM President , Mr Ngangeh Dieudonne as YCPDM President and other elected party officials has rejuvenated the CPDM party in Ndu sub Division as our election and installation signifies a total reconciliation between the party and more youthful population and women of Ndu sub division. More energetic and committed officials have been elected into post of responsibilities in all the organs of the party making the party to have a new birth in Ndu sub Division.
We thank sincerely our out gone statesman and section President Hon.Talla Kwalar for holding the party in tact up till this moment he is handing over to us.He worked tirelessly and made the party what it is today.Progressively we shall continue from where he is handing to us and he shall for ever remain our main adviser. May God grant him good health and long life.
We owe him and CPDM militants and sympathisers of Ndu sub division hard work, steadfastness and loyalty to the party.
Many thanks to all who supported us during this historic moment.
God bless you all."

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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