Sunday, July 3, 2016

Cameroonians in Italy Woo Investors in Business Forum

Blaise Nkfunkoh presenting his paper
The Second Business Forum bringing together Cameroonians based in Italy and Italian investors took place on June 17, 2016 in line with Italy/Africa economic relations which seeks to reinforce economic ties between Italy and countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. In an effort to woo investors and corporate organisations the organizers of the forum presented elaborated vistas of opportunities which Italian investors can grab by investing in Cameroon. Italy currently imports from Cameroon, petrol, wood, coffee, cotton and rubber, among others and the Business Forum was one of the rare opportunities for Italian investors to acquaint themselves to the potentials that Cameroon possesses in the domains of agriculture, electricity, mining, real estate and others. Besides these rich natural potentials, the peace and stability in the country as well as the country’s encouraging investment charter were some of the major attractions of the forum. Organized in collaboration with the Italian Ambassador to Cameroon H.E Samuela Isopi, the Cameroonian Ambassador to Italy H.E Dominique Awono Essama, the Cameroonian Consulate for the FVG Region H.E Massimiliano Fabian, Italian Entrepreneur Dr Fabio Santini- Director of Casa Italia Italy, Casa Italia Cameroon and Blaise Nkfunkoh Ndamnsah President of ANOLF(Associazione Nazionale Oltre Le Frontiere ) Gorizia, speakers also used the opportunity to expose government’s quest to encourage effective public-private sector partnership.

According Blaise Nkfunkoh Ndamnsah, the Cameroon Diasporas is seeking synergy with the investors with hopes that it will produce the greatest potential to spur provision of social amenities for the benefit of the entire citizenry and boost Vision 2035. He explained that Cameroon is endowed with an availability of ready markets in the face of huge population, constant electricity, cheap labour, serene environment and other gigantic opportunities that give room for businesses to strive. To Blaise, the Diasporas intends to carryout similar forums in the country to stimulate enthusiasm and in order to instill stable economic growth so as to contribute in alleviating poverty.  
Italy is reportedly excelling in the domains of advanced technology, infrastructure, agro industry (produce, process and conserve agricultural products) and electronics. Reason why Cameroon is suitable for engage in mobilising Italian entrepreneurs all over the National territories to invest in Cameroon.

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