Tuesday, November 1, 2016

After 8 Days without Electricity, Nkambe Population Threaten to Go on Strike

circuit breaker that was burnt down

Youths in Nkambe are threatening to go to the street if the electricity supply company, ENEO doesn’t bring back electricity in the Divisional headquarter, which has been in darkness for 8 days today. The population we gathered is about to vent their frustration for being neglected. “It is sad that for eight days now, we have been in the dark, cold stores, barbing shops, electronic store, etc are completely out of business”, one young man exploded in frustration. Radio stations have been temporarily shutdown for lack of electricity as well.  Mercy Nkeni says she lost her android phone while charging using a generator and several people have recorded similar damages. Energy crisis has become the most critical issue in Donga Mantung Division. But for these eight days of darkness the effects on lives are very bad and the situation is even the worst.
On October 24, there was panic and commotion in Nkambe.
The story goes that on October 24, 2016 one of the transformers supplying the CRTV antenna and CAMTEL Center cut fire. The shock was so violent that it created panic and commotion. The shock was such that the ENEO circuit breaker serving the CRTV antenna and the Camtel telephone exchange center got burnt. There was fright at the Nkambe district hospital to the point that patients on sick beds were evacuated. The entire city was in total confusion. It is alleged that this is the 26time that the transformer has cut fire. The first incident according to eyewitnesses happened in 1986.
Since that incident of October 24, 2016, Nkambe has been in total darkness yet ENEO has been mute over the issue.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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