Sunday, November 6, 2016

At Joint Section Conference, CPDM Militants in Misaje Rally Behind Paul Biya

Addressing CPDM militants and sympathizers, Dr. Fuh Calistus Gentry, the Secretary of State for Mines, Industries and Technological Development said Misaje remains the bastion of the CPDM in Donga Mantung Division. To Dr. Fuh Calistus, the Joint Section Conference was timely given that it is holding on the eve of President Biya's 34th Anniversary as head of state. He continued if not because of President Paul Biya who saw the need to create Misaje sub Division, it won’t have existed. Misaje Sub Division he emphasized came into existence only after President Biy ascended to power. “Our relationship with the CPDM and the President of the Republic is like that of father and son”, he said.  

 Harping on the theme: Rallying Behind President Paul Biya to Consolidate Security, Peace and Development, the Secretary of State enumerated some major projects that have been realized in Misaje Sub Division. He called on militants to prepare ahead of the next political challenges in order to ensure Misaje continue to maintain its leading position as the bastion of the CPDM in Donga Mantung. H also recalled how in the early 90s Misaje and Balikumbat stood firm as the flag bearers of the CPDM in the North West Region. “It is timely because we will have to review the strength of the party at the base as well as assure our National President, H.E President Paul Biya, of our total commitment and steadfastness to the ideologies and policies of the party”.  He concluded by calling on the CPDM militants to remain strong and ever growing.
Mgbata Sammy Nforkemba, Mayor of Misaje Council on his part was categorical that a Joint Section Conference is a special moment whereby the party showcases its numerical strength and readiness to win any elections, and ascertain their prowess to comfortably stay close to power. The mayor of Misaje council continued that his ultimate goal is to put in place his best so as to facilitate political strategies for the overwhelming victories. He reiterated the fact that at the level of the council he is leaving no stone unturned to make sure that all the campaign promises are fulfilled. He continued that Misaje can do better if they continue to rally behind President Paul Biya. “In this light, we need to lay emphasis on galvanizing our efforts and forces for greater result at elections; bury the hatchet if any may had risen after the renewal of the basic organs of the party. He called on militants of the CPDM to remain vigilant and collaborate with the forces of law and order against the barbaric sect Boko Haram; adding that that collaboration by the population should be their contribution towards consolidating security, peace and development in Cameroon.
Section President Shey Alfred Nyako was very optimistic that the CPDM in Misaje is on the right track and would never fail. He said the opposition in Misaje is like a barren tree that never produces fruits. He called militants especially the sub section Presidents to redouble their efforts in order to enable Misaje metamorphoses at the speed of light. He thanked President Biya for appointing Yang Philemon as Prime Minister and other Northwesteners including their own son Dr. Fuh Calistus Gentry as Secretary of State for Mines, Industries and Technological Development.
 YCPDM Section President, Babayor Abubakar presented a vivid report of youth activities in the section. He used the occasion to call on youths to be more responsible and proactive in their actions which could move the entire sub Division towards emergence. On the other side, WCPDM Section President, Madame Nyanda said the WCPDM is waxing strong. Another high profile personality who spoke at the conference was Hon. Abe Michael, the MP for Ako/Miaje who pleaded that his absence in Misaje was not a sign of neglect but that he was working hard to bring Ako to the level of Misaje.

1.      That militants shall work together in unity, peace and the respect of each oether
2.      That the Section shall put in place a strategy to gain all lost grounds and more militants
3.      That the Section Executive shall reinforce collaboration within the executives and the militants and also exhibit utmost transparency in the management of party funds
4.      That all militants shall abide by the party rules and shall respect party discipline
5.      That the party’s main goal for 2018 shall be to win elections at all levels (municipal, legislative, senatorial and Presidential)
6.      That resources shall be committed to the financing of party activities
Done in Misaje today 5th Day of November 2016


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