Monday, December 5, 2016

Latest Gossip from Camer. The Evil that People Do..Writtam-pen is Back

 By Writtam-pen

Country people, I hope you have heard the latest? I hear manners have starting falling from heaven. Popol and Yang have decided to dole out CFA 2 billion as Christmas gift to lay private and denominational schools yet the Anglophone Teachers Union says nay to the gift. They have rejected the gifts on grounds that there are no legal bindings as well as mechanism for reinforcement. PM Yang spent two days in Bamenda to dialogue with Teachers, Lawyers, and Civil Society from 25th and 26th November 2016 but while back in Yaounde, Yang and his boss provided a very wrong solution to the problem posed by the leaders. 
You know Popoul always thinks he is very smart when it comes to solving problems. He thought that by announcing that government will recruited 1000 “bilingual teachers” trade unionists will surely issue tons of motions of support to him or organize Thank You marches nationwide but he got it very wrong. Chai!!!!!! Cameroon is really a rogue state!!!! This regime is really good at creativity. While university students are still waiting for Chinese laptops, Popoul and co have introduced a new trick, android bilingual teachers. The question many have been asking is whether these bilingual teachers will come from space or Mars. Popular opinion holds that if there's anyone who is bitter about our president's cronies and takes some of the statements they make seriously and some of their rash decisions at heart, all you have to do is listen to the North West CPDM Elite(s) to realize that many of them are either joking or high on banana leaves and afofo... Na thing to just laugh!!!Who cares if CPDM march in Buea, they should not march but run. I remember the people marched against multi-party politics in this country?
Popoul is surely going to sign a devastating decree any of these days. Some of them will be sacked from government. Others will go on retirement. What is however very interesting is that PM Yang has started his cleanup on a left leg. What a kangaroo solution to the problem of Anglophones.
Country people have you ever seen where someone took petrol to pour on fire? That is what Nolava did in the University of Buea. Students were beaten, robbed in shit, cases of rape even reported. I doubt whether Nalova and Okalia Bilia will survive the storm in Popoul’s tea cup for transforming the university campus into a military camp. Teachers have issued a statement demanding their sacking as one of the preconditions.  Popol’s advisers are short of ideas; they could freely borrow from Mbangfon Nick Ngwanyam ideas.
I hear John Ntarinkon was very bitter about what transpired in Buea to the point he wants to make political capital of the incident. SDF senators, MPs and Mayors are waxing mussels to stage another peaceful march in Buea today. Hahahahahaha, your writtam-pen also gathered that John Ntarinkon has opted for Federalism as a panacea to the present deadlock. Don’t be surprised to hear that John Ntarinkon starts talking like SCNC activists. If it happens then Popol will only have himself to blame because John Ntarinkon has been very patient all this while. I saw sadness on John Ntarinkon’s forehead when gear gas was fired into his residence.
The Shakespeare mayor of Buea organized a public talk to calm tempers in Buea Just like John Ntarinkon and Lele did in Bamenda who asked for the unconditional release of Benji, the co-demonstrator of the Bamenda Coffin wahala.
The Bamenda man will never forget Mancho Bibixy and Benji like Late Pefok. I am struck by the telling points, to the effect that what we just witnessed. After all, what sort of plot doesn’t have leaders (or rather those who were described as such weren’t leading anyone), a common purpose, a plan or anything that could be described as a policy agenda.
What Fame Ndongo was trying to achieve was foul-tasting. The near impossibility of any purpose and the lack of tools to achieve them defined the uselessness of facts that this man whose name I have just forgotten is the first accused.  Do you know what happens around university cycles? The only plan that existed seems to have been an attempt to summon spirits from the vastly deep to get rid of the Anglo saxon sub system. But, though any man or woman can summon spirits, only an organised one can ensure they arrive. Now that Popoul is very disappointed with them, I am sure his signature will send some of them packing.  I really smell a cabinet shakeup. There abounds speculations and suspicions, dismay and dismal, surrounding this but even as the earth rotates into a new horizon oblivious of this occurrence in this tiny dot on the globe, there abounds the fact that a disturbing memory has been embedded in the minds of volatile witnesses in such a mystery that even Taylor swift would find it hard to shake it off.
The Nigerian Super Falcons flied the sky of Yaounde  to create the unexpected at the last minute chopping the Lionesses at the Ahmadou Ahidjo stadium to emerge champions of Africa for the 8th time. The presence of President Biya and wife, Chantou did not in any way intimidated Desire Oparanozie, who fired the lone goal that saw the Falcons beat the Indomitable Lionesses. I hear Cameroon lost at the finals not because the girls were not fit but that the Gods were angry following police and Gendarme brutality in Buea and Bamenda recently. While Nigerians take home the trophy to continue with the struggle with the economic crisis, Cameroonians were humbled out to face the social unrest. The evil that people do, live with them....

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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