Wednesday, January 4, 2017

NW Elite in Yaounde Call for Resumption of Schools, Consortium Replies with Call for Sit-in Strike

An atmosphere of confusion now looms in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon as schools are expected to kick-start next Monday. North West elite(s) based in Yaounde today January 4, 2017 issued a communiqué in which they reechoed their call for peace and resumption of schools in North West and South West Regions. The communiqué signed by elite(s), Senators and Members of Parliament states that “Mindful of his strong condemnation of all acts of violence regardless of their sources and their perpetrators and his resolve to draw conclusions from the ongoing enquiries on all the allegations of the recent violence carried out in the North West and South West Regions;
Considering his reassurances that "all voices that spoke have been heard and most of the substantive issues cannot be overlooked because of their pertinence" and his resolve to find lasting solutions to all the problems posed through peaceful dialogue;
Mindful of his appeal urging the various parties concerned to participate without any bias in the various discussions and engage in frank dialogue within the framework of the two Ad Hoc Committees created to look into the Anglophone teachers' and lawyers' grievances;
Considering the Head of State's unwavering determination to continue the building of a united, inclusive and bilingual nation, embarked upon by all Cameroonians without exception, a legacy bequeathed by our founding fathers and national heroes;
Considering the Head of State's reaffirmation that the Cameroonian experience is unique in Africa and can be perfected as we listen to each other and remain open to constructive ideas within the framework of the laws and regulations in force in our country;
Considering the announcement by the Head of State to go the extra mile and put in place a National Entity tasked with proposing solutions aimed at maintaining peace, consolidating our country's unity and strengthening our resolve and our day-to-day experiences of LIVING TOGETHER;
Mindful of the Head of State's strong resolve to ensure that all Cameroonians live in peace, unity and harmony in ONE united and INDIVISIBLE Nation, Cameroon”, they appealed to the teachers, teachers’ syndicates, proprietors of schools, parents, civil society, politicians, traders, economic operators, taxi drivers, achaba riders, students, pupils and citizens of goodwill to ensure that schools reopen on Monday.
In reaction to the communiqué by North West Elite based in Yaounde, The Consortium has also issued a counter release calling for a sit-in strike on Monday. In Press Release No 12, The Consortium states that “Ever since Lawyers and Teachers of West Cameroon raised critical issues relating to their existence, government has not taken any concrete steps resolve them”. The Consortium argued that government has been trying to get school start without solving the problems raised. The Press Release states that “ The Anglophone Civil Society Consortium os calling on the general public of West Cameroon (North West and South West Regions) to stand up like one man and embark on a sit-in strike on Monday 9th January 2017”.  To them, the peaceful resistance must continue until the demands of Lawyers and Teachers are satisfactorily addressed.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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