Wednesday, July 26, 2017

2018 Elections: Jean Nkuete, CPDM Scribe Mobilizes, Strategizes the Diasporas in Paris

At the invitation of the Secretary General of the Central Committee, Jean Nkuete, the members of the ten CPDM sections of Europe and America gathered in Paris on July 15, 2017 to strategize on party issues. Speculations are rife at that the meeting was to adopt a winning strategy in the upcoming elections in Cameroon. 
CPDM scribe in an opening statement described the presence of dispora party officials of his party as "a sign of the commitment of each and every one for the development of Cameroon under the leadership of HE Mr. Paul Biya, National President of the Party, President Of the Republic and Head of State "
.To Jean Nkuete, the unprecedented meeting, which followed the one organized in Douala, for the African CPDM Sections, is making the party stronger. During the meeting, party section executives were drilled on the roles and responsibilities of the party executives, their role improving relations between Cameroon and their host countries as well as the CPDM in the face of the problems of national unity and stability of institutions" and "the place of communication in party life etc etc.
Some of the key speakers during the meeting were Pr Jean Pierre Fogui,Professor Paul Célestin Ndembiyembe, Professor Elvis Ngolle Ngolle, Thomas Fozein, and Christophe Mien Zok

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