Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Euphoria at Nsimalen Airport as Hon. Dr. Awudu Mbaya Returns Home with PhD #PhotoNews

There was singing and dancing at the Nsimalen airport today July 24, 2018 as the Wimbum community in Yaounde welcomed back home one of their illustrious sons, Hon. Dr. Awudu Mbaya who was conferred PhD title by the Common Wealth University of London. Present at the Nsimalen airport to grease the homecoming were the Njuh dance group, Bonchupti, and the Mbaya dance.  
Hon. Awudu Mbaya, who is Executive President of Pan African Parliamentarians Network on Climate Change cum CEO of CAMITEX was, conferred an Honoris causa in Business Sciences on July 19, 2018 by the university committee of the Commonwealth University of London in Dubai (Arab Emirates) as per the tradition which is to organize the ceremony in any of the Commonwealth member country. Worthy to note that Hon. Awudu Mbaya now Hon. Dr. Awudu Mbaya Cyprien was conferred the title after he submitted a dissertation title;
Initiation to Business: A Practical Guide based on the Life Experience of Cyprien Awudu Mbaya.  Besides that, the Commonwealth University of London also took into consideration his other Diplomas as well as his management skills of CAMITEX since creation in 1974 and above all his several publications, extracts, submissions and contributions at ACP-EU for 16 years and Climate Change summits from Kyoto to Copenhagen and Paris, and 21 years work as a Parliamentarian. The Eye is aware that Commonwealth University of London looked into achievements how Hon. Awudu’s achievements will inspire many students, and the dexterity with which he worked extremely hard to achieve a great deal as a businessman and climate change campaigner, peace ambassador and politician.


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