Monday, July 23, 2018

Presidential 2018: Group of 20 Opposition Political Parties Endorse Paul Biya

Jean de Dieu Momo's PADDEC, Fritz Pierre Ngo's Ecological Movement, Joachim Tabi Owono's AMEC, Isaac Feuzeu's MERCI, Tita Fon Samuel's CPP or Benz Enow Bate's CDP who opposed President Paul Biya in previous presidential elections have decided to endorse his candidature in the upcoming October 7, 2018 Presidential election. In all, 20 leaders of the opposition met at the Hilton Hotel in Yaounde last Friday July 20, 2018 to endorse Paul Biya, candidate of the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement-CPDM.
Amongst them was Isaac Feuzeu of the MERCI party who equally submitted his candidacy at Elecam to run for the elections scheduled for October 7.
Also present were Bapooh Lipot of the UPC and Samuel Fon of CPP who were all recognised by the Minister of Territorial Administration, Atanga Nji, days ago as official representatives of their political parties.
In a joint declaration which was read in French and English by Bapooh(UPC)and Benz Enow(CDP), the group of 20 gave reasons why they have decided to endorse and rally behind the candidate of the CPDM. “Since the Presidential elections of 2011, some members of our group requested the putting in place of a dynamic framework for change to take place in the political arena in Cameroon....Our proposal for a single opposition candidate met resistance from those who think that they are strong and can win the presidential election single-handedly”.
To them, majority of the leaders in the opposition prefer to showcase the kind of “One Man Show” and that they only wake up from slumber on the eve of elections. Harping of the ineffectiveness of the opposition, the group of 20 painted their colleagues as an opposition that lacks organizational skills.  To them the opposition in Cameroon can only be dreaming of change given that its handicapped by many factors such as the “lack of organization of the opposition parties, the egoism of some of its leaders, the inflated ego of pretenders to the presidential seat who are all in a logic of ME OR NOBODY, the lack of a credible manifesto, and lack of means”.
After presenting a myriad of some shortcomings of the opposition parties, the group of 20 declared that “We the leaders, of the opposition parties united under the “Group of 20” have decided to give our total and unconditional support to the candidature of H.E President Paul Biya for the 7 October, 2018 Presidential election”.
To the Group of 20, Paul Biya merits the support of all Cameroonians of goodwill reasons why they unconditionally support the re-election of President Paul Biya.

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