Monday, September 17, 2018

Devastating Storm Hits Ndu, Render Hundreds Homeless

Tongues are still waging in Njimnkang village in Ndu over recent happenings that have left the entire Ndu sub Division wondering after devastating storm left hundreds homeless. Twenty five houses were destroyed by the storm last Sunday September 16, 2018. Reports say though property damaged is estimated in hundreds of millions of FCFA, no human casualty was recorded.Accompanied by heavy rains, majority of the houses collapsed given that they are constructed with sun dried bricks.
While some villagers are pointing accusing fingers at witchcraft, another school of thought holds that it is the effect of climate change.Few years back, similar storm destroyed houses in Taku. This is however very recurrent during this month of September.
More details soon 

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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