Tuesday, September 18, 2018

#Presidential 2018: Paul Eric Kingue Catapulted to Head Kamto’s Campaign Team


Professor Maurice Kamto flag bearer of Cameroon Renaissance Movement-CRM has appointed the former mayor of Njombe-Benja, Paul Eric Kingue as his campaign manager. The information was made public last week during the official launching of Prof. Maurice Kamto’s political manifesto.  Paul Eric Kingue who few years back created the Patriotic Movement for a New Cameroon- MPCN is expected to develop strategies and coordinate field for his new political partner and Presidential candidate, Maurice Kamto.
Paul Eric Kingue who is former CPDM mayor joins Albert Nzongang (former CPDM MP) and Presidential candidate Maurice Kamto (former minister) to contest against their former boss President Paul Biya incumbent. However, Kamto is still expected to make public his coalition force ahead of the Presidential election scheduled for October 7, 2018.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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