Saturday, November 7, 2020

On President Biya’s 38th Anniversary: Misaje Prays for Peace

Christians and Muslims on November 6, 2020 devoted the 38th anniversary of the ascension of President Paul Biya to power to pray for peace in what has been described as one of the highest crowd puling event in the entire region. The ecumenical service which was officiated by clergies from five different Christian denominations and the Muslim Imams brought together militants and sympathizers of the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement-CPDM, as well as traditional rulers, ardors and Christians. This service which took place in the vicinity of the newly constructed Misaje Community Hall was attended by over 10.000 people. The organizers say the ecumenical service took place in an open esplanade as a way to respect government measures to mitigate the spread of covid 19. 
Holding under the theme: Let us Mobilize Behind President Biya for the Advent of Decentralization”. Shey Afred Nyako, CPDM Section President said the ecumenical service is exceptionally organized on November 6, 2010 to Thank God for the Head of State and praying that God should give him Vision in the current situation in which Cameroon finds itself.
 Harping on the upcoming regional elections, the section President added that another prayer point was to call on God Almighty for successful elections so that the process of decentralization which is the theme of the conference should bring total normalcy to Cameroon.  While the second prayer point was to share in the sorrows of the incident in Kumba and at the same time, make the Misaje Appeal that children should be given the chance to go to school. The prayers also centered around thanking God for the peace that has reigned in Misaje in particular and Donga Mantung Division in general. The population also used the opportunity to thank God for preserving Cameroon from Covid-19 and that His Mercy should be on Cameroon so that many people should not suffer from the pandemic as it has been witnessed in some countries around the globe. The clergies and Imams ended the ecumenical service by praying for normalcy to return to Cameroon especially in the North West and South, in the Extreme North as well as every other thing that is affecting this country so that all should be well. It should be recalled that five denominations took place in the service.
The Misaje Appeal

Talking to journalists after the ecumenical service the CPDM Section President Shey Alfred Nyako said the marriage between the people of Misaje and President Paul Biya has been a marriage that will last forever. He used the opportunity to congratulate the people of Misaje and equally send the message of peace from Minister Fuh Calistus, in which he stated that Misaje is happy with all ad sundry for the peace that reigns there. He supported this argument by stating that in Misaje subdivision, all the traditional rulers, fons, local party officials live in their homes. Besides that, he continued that Misaje subdivision is hosting students and pupils from other places who are going to school and its time for peace to be given a chance for children to go to school. The vigilantic group was also applauded for their contribution in peace building. He reiterated the fact that peace will enable the completion of the stretch of the Ring road from Kumbo through Ndu to Nkambe and Misaje. 

Contacted to asses the impact of the New Deal in Misaje, Dr. Fuh Calistus Gentry, Secretary of State in Ministry of Mines, Industries and Technological Development on his part enumerated several development projects that have changed the face of the municipality ranging from creation of educational institutions to construction of classrooms, health centers, potable water, community halls, roads and markets. He singled out the construction of the Misaje market worth FCFA 400.000.000 and the construction of a Multipurpose grandstand worth FCFA 200.000.000 that can only be compared to the Nkambe grandstand in the Division.  

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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