Sunday, November 8, 2020

Tubah: Hon. Agho Oliver Creates The Unexpected, Preaches Peace to Market Women


The young dynamic Member of Parliament for Bafut/ Tubah has created the unexpected by taking the message of peace to market women in Tubah. Hon. Agho Oliver who is now popularly known as the grassroots man, made an impromptu visit to appeal to women in his constituency to be ambassadors of peace. After celebrating the groundbreaking 38th anniversary of the the assesion to the helm of the Nation by President Paul, the Member of Parliament who was flanked by Tubah Mayor, Tanjong Martin were on the field to encourage and sensitize market women on the need to remain peaceful while denouncing anything that  can jeopardize the return to gradual normalcy in the sub division. The MP and his mayor also used the opportunity to call on all and sundry to give peace a chance. At each stopped, the people's representatives listened keenly to worries raised by the women. While listening to the worries, those that needed immediate solutions were solved on the spot. 

The Member of Parliament made colossal financial gestures to help solve some of the  problems. Mami Margret of Bambui, described the young dynamic MP as a God fearing man and a man of the people. She said young men like Hon. Agho Oliver should enter politics so as to give it a human face. " Since the early 90s that o have been running up and down in the name of politics, I have never met one so humble, down to earth and serviceable like this our young MP". To many women, Hon. Agho Oliver is the most fomidable young man of all the politicians in action. 
Before leaving Tubah, the elated women donated food items which they personally handed to the MP to take home while promising that they will leave no stone unturn in making significant contribution to the growth of the municipality. 

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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