Friday, April 12, 2013

Manager of Dan Batouri FM Resigns as Radio Goes Incomatos

Who wants to kill Dan Batouri FM?
 By Fai Cassian Ndi
The manager of Dan Batouri FM, Haruna Mohammadou has tabled a letter of resignation to the chairman of that local radio outfit. Haruna Mohammadou who tabled his letter of resignation on April 8, 2013 expressed gratitude to the Board Chairman for giving trust and confidence to oversee the smooth running of the local radio but regretted that his task as manager had a lot of interferences with some members of the board. In his resignation letter, Haruna Mohammadou said he has decided to quit because as manager, he “had a lot of difficulties understanding whether the radio is managed by the BOD, Dr. Michael Kimbi (who claims proprietorship) and or Alhadji Borno”. Arguing that from the onset he thought that these two personalities will help them to grow but later discovered “they turn to pull us down”. He lamented that it is rather unfortunate that people who should lead youths have decided to go the other way round. When contacted, Haruna Mohammadou told this reporter that he decided to quit due to some of these reason yet assured he still holding back some reasons “which I may likely address in a different forum” he told this reporter. “I cannot continue to say I am the manager of a radio station when the transmitter is moved to a different location without me being aware. It is ridiculous that persons have decided to do what pleases them without the knowledge of the Board” he said. The Eye gathered that the transmitter of Radio Dan Batouri was transferred to Ndu to create another radio. According to information gathered even Board members of the radio were not informed. A Board member who preferred not to be named for political reasons is reported aghast with the act. Many listeners of Dan Batouri including this reporter are questioning whether it was necessary for the radio to disappear from the air weaves like was the case because someone desperately needed a radio station. Yet, allegations are rife at that Dr. Nick Ngwanyam, Mafor Achidi Achu Judith and Tamfu Simon contributed funds for the acquisition of equipment for a radio station in Ndu, but doubts are emitted as the transmitter could not resist when tested. “Should Dan Batouri Nkambe goes incomatos for the new station in Ndu to go on air?  It is alleged that the transmitter has been handed to a shop-keeper in Nkambe for a token of 50.000 FCFA and that upon collection for onward transportation to Ndu, a sum of 180.000 FCFA should be disbursed on the spot. Yet public opinion is wondering as to whether the 1.2 million FCFA contributed by three elite(s) of Ndu reached it final destination. In fact many have started doubting whether the radio station will operate with all these controversies.      
(UP NEXT: Who contributed what and how much to kill Dan Batouri Radio Nkambe)

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