Friday, April 12, 2013

Motion of Support from Donga Mantung V CPDM-Nwa to H.E Paul Biya

Hon. Genesis Mbucksek (Section President)
We- Militants of the “Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement” (CPDM)-Donga Mantung 5-Section-meeting at the Nwa Council Hall on this day-Sunday 24th March 2013 on the occasion of the 28th anniversary celebration of the birth of our party;
·         * Considering the peace and tranquility that we enjoy in Cameroon,
·         * Considering the New Electoral Code which is one of the best in Africa!
·       *  Considering our mature democratic culture which has come to stay- especially with the Senate (Upper House of Assembly) that is just around the corner,
·       *  Mindful of the fact that CPDM is the party of Development with the Programme of “Greater Realization” (many major development projects) that will turn Cameroon into an emerging country within the next two decades,
·        * Here-by pledge our total and unflinching Commitment to the ideals of the New Deal an our National Chairman-His Excellency Paul Biya-praying God Almighty to grant him more wisdom, good health and many more years at the helm of the state of Cameroon. 

Done in Nwa, this day 24th March, 2013
The CPDM Section President
Hon. Genesis MBUCKSEK

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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