Friday, April 12, 2013

Senatorial Challenges: SDF Campaign Manager Arrested

 Ndi Cherrylane M
SDF Shadow Cabinet Minister for Information and Media has issued a communiqué in which he decried that arrest and detention of SDF Senatorial campaign manager for Dja and Lobo in the South Region. Accordingly Jean Robert Wafo highlighted in his declaration letter that on Saturday, April 5, 2013 Ni John Fru Ndi campaign manager in the South was arrested by elements of the gendarmerie at the moment he was campaigning for the SDF list. It is alleged that he was taken forcibly taken off by gendarmes in Sangmelima where he has been in detention for the past for 04 days for reasons hitherto unknown.  Even though it is alleged his arrest is not linked to political issues, sources say the SDF local officials say it is politically motivated. The Eye gathered that local party officials are calling for his immediate release and that if it is not done, (they) SDF militants will go to the street to pressurize for his release.  It is also alleged that “Mr. Press” had penetrated CPDM councilors and that CPDM bigwigs in Dja and Lobo masterminded his arrest.  More so, sources say he was arrest on a Saturday which is in violation of the New Criminal Procedure Code. Human rights activists have decried that this is also serious human rights abuse and that it exposes the barbaric method used by political elite(s) to torture opponents.  
Sources at the SDF national secretariat have decried that a similar incident took place at Bafia last Friday. It is said militants of the SDF were arrested when the senatorial candidate gathered some councilors and was passing his message. Elements of the police it is alleged stormed that area and disrupted the meeting, threatening to arrest anyone that resisted.

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