Friday, April 12, 2013

Senatorial Challenges: Biya-Fru Ndi Unholy Alliance Sealed as Fru Ndi Campaigns for CPDM

 By Fai Cassian Ndi
Fru Ndi-Biya Alliance?
SDF national chairman Ni John Fru Ndi has called on SDF councilors in the Littoral Region to vote for CPDM Senatorial list. SDF Chieftain made the clarion call today April 12, 2013 in Batibo-Momo while on campaign. Ni John Fru Ndi clarion call comes barely 24 hours after the CPDM Communication Secretary told CPDM councilors in the West Region to cast their votes in favour of SDF senatorial list come April 14, 2013. The reality of the deal which Fru Ndi struck with Eboutou Belinga is becoming known to the public after a lot of speculations by political analysts. As predicted, The Eye is aware that the issue of voting is based on party discipline reasons why from the beginning the alleged deal between the CPDM and SDF was a misery. It is now overt why SDF had to contest even in areas that it has no councilors, this is so because as hinted part of the deal was for some lists to be disqualified. The CPDM is out in the West without a voted senator on flimsy excuses that are best known to Jean Kwete. An authoritative voice at the Central Committee of the CPDM hinted us that the ongoing political maneuvers between the CPDM and the SDF are part of the secret deal between President Biya and Fru Ndi. According to the hint, the SDF will win in the West, Adamawa and the North West will be shared. He further added that apart from that six SDF militants will be appointed into the senate. SDF will thus have 26 senators, while Dakole’s party will have just one senator. By implication, Fru Ndi will be appointed President of the senate. Besides, the SDF will then enter government and Belo Bouba’s NUDP will be flushed out. This will therefore mark the end of the NUDP-CPDM alliance. A school of thought holds that President Biya is determined to crush pro-Marafa in the Northern Region.
However, our informant further revealed that after the publication of the results President Biya will carryout a major cabinet shake-up which will usher into government some SDF militants. Harping on the geopolitical balance, The Eye gathered that Prime Minister Yang Philemon will lose his position to someone from the Adamawa. SDF diehards were taken aback when Fru Ndi exploded that SDF councilors in the Littoral should vote for CPDM. The question many observers have been asking is whether President Biya who has been talking to Fru Ndi through Eboutou Belinga will respect the gentleman agreement.
What if Fru Ndi Loses Elections in the NW
The probability that this deal could end up as a scam is relatively high. The world knows that it is the SDF which is the leading opposition political party in Cameroon. Not even those who struck an alliance with Biya to be part of his government. When Fru cried fault over the anticipation of senatorial elections, the Biya regime caught cold. Yet after threats of matchets and boycott, Fru Ndi swallowed his words and declared during a rally in Ndu after receiving a phone call that he will run for the senate. It was strange. At the beginning allegations were rife at that the list for the North West region would be disqualified for Fru Ndi’s candidature to sail through but it was instead the CPDM lists for West and Adamawa regions that were rejected. The Eye is aware that when it came out from ELECAM that the list for North West has been retained, SDF hierarchy became jittery and nervous. The secret however of the gentleman agreement remains between Paul Biya (Belinga Eboutou) and Fru Ndi. Yet speculations are rife at that if Fru Ndi loses and calls on militants to sharpen their matches, he would be given a deaf ear (a suivre)

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