Friday, April 19, 2013

Two Arrested for Life Threats on CamCCUL President

 By Asta Barka
Shey Nfor Musa
Two drivers, notably the chief driver of the Cameroon Cooperative Credit Union League-CamCCUL and the driver of Ntarinkon Cooperative Credit Union LTD are helping investigators in Bamenda to unmask the faces behind the threats against CamCCUL President. Classified sources say Nche Terrence (driver with Ntarinkon Credit Union) and Chi Michael (chief driver at CamCCUL) are in police custody for disseminating tracts threatening the life of Shey Nfor Musa, CamCCUL President. An authoritative voice hinted this reporter that the tract circulated at CamCCUL office insinuated the workers to the most admired microfinance structure to eliminate their boss and that he has sacked many workers and they could likely be the next victims.  Accordingly The Eye gathered that after thorough investigation, ChI Michael and Nche Terrence were napped as those who circulated the tracts. Allegations are rife at that the two drivers were assigned to carryout the task yet police are investigating to unmask the real people behind the incident. It is aired that it is thanks to the security camera that the two drivers were unmasked. Nche Terrence and Chi Michael were picked up by police on April 11, 2013. The judicial police in Bamenda is currently investigating the matter and allegations abound that some gurus could be picked up any moment in connection to the life threats on CamCCUL President. It is alleged that the tracts left Ntarinkon after a meeting was held and according to what we gathered, the family of the drivers have vowed to reveal the names of the people behind the terrible act. At the time of writing this story, police sources indicate that a certain Cho Gerard also arrested. It is aired Nche Terrence the driver of Ntarinkon revealed his name as the person who handed the tracts to him. Yet classified sources say Cho Gerard and Nche Terrence have been moved to the Bamenda Prison where they are awaiting trial. Besides, allegations are rife at that the faces behind the mask have promised Cho Gerard a lumpsum amount of 14 million FCFA to shoot his mouth. However, a hint further amplifies that some key personalities are already under surveillance for masterminding the assassination attempt. Police in Bamenda are already tracking them, a source hinted.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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