Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fire for Fire at the University of Buea as Students Go on Rampage Again

The University of Buea-UB is in a state of confusion as six persons are reported injured as students stage another demonstration. Reports also indicate that the injured persons are mainly security guards. It is alleged that during the confrontation between students and security gurads more than three vehicles were destroyed.  It is aired that the students are aghast that their colleagues were detained and more so want the charges against some 12 students dropped. It is also alleged that the Vice Chancellor was held hostage by the striking students in February and she was only rescued thanks to the timely intervention of the security. However, all attempts to get to the Vice Chancellor by this reporter were all fruitless. Sources linked to UB hinted that the students before taking to the streets have tried to reach a compromise with the administration but all attempts flopped. An atmosphere of uncertainty and fear now reins in Buea ahead of the May 20, celebration. Yet, it is also feared that the strike may hinder the upcoming 50th Anniversary celebration of reunification slated for Buea, Regional capital of the South West Region. A well-placed hinted that security in the University of Buea has been stepped up but determined students say they would prefer to be detained along their colleagues.
Dr Nalova, VC of the University of Buea is quoted to have been mute over the issue a source hinted. Besides, it is alleged that if care is not taken, UB could be transformed into a sinkhole for character assignation. Dr. Nalova who reportedly was spotted in Yaounde at the solemn ceremony of the validation of pioneer senators, was surely taken aback when news reached her that UB was on fire.  

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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