Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sparrow Hawk: Charles Metouck Transferred to Kondengui Prison

Classified sources have hinted that the former General Manager of SONARA, Charles Metouck has been a transfer to the central prison in Yaoundé (popularly known as Kondengui). According to the hint the former GM was secretly transferred on May 08. The operation we gathered was conducted in a very discrete manner.
It is alleged that the move to transfer the former SONARA from Buea prison is linked to his imminent appearance in the Special Criminal Court (TCS) based in Yaoundé. Allegations are also rife at that Charles Metouck is pursued by the special court for alleged acts of "of mismanagement and attempted act of embezzling about 669 million FCFA”.  
It should be recalled that Charles Metouck was last April sentenced to nine years in prison for "destruction of documents belonging to the Sonora, illegal possession of keys and badge of office, etc.  Yet Metouck said he obtained permission from the Board Chairman, Ebong Ngolle who refused that he never gave any permission to the former GM to enter his former office. It is alleged Charles Metouck destroyed some documents and even carried out illegal money transactions with the complicity of some of his colleagues on that day. He was arrested and detained before being sentenced. Allegedly, another new Metouck case is about to start and this time with the Special Criminal Court in Yaounde (affaire a suivre).
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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