Saturday, June 8, 2013

ELECAM Discloses Plans to Expose Election Riggers

 By FC Junior

The President of Elections Cameroon-ELECAM has said that those who registered more than once in the electoral register will be named and shamed in public. Dr. Fonkam Azu’u made the statement during a Press Briefing with journalists in Bamenda. Dr. Fonka Azu’u who visited some council areas in Mezam to ensure that the distribution of voters’ cards is going smoothly castigated the fact that some voter’s registered more than once. He said even though the biometric system checks double registration automatically, ELECAM will publish the names of those who registered severally so as to rig elections. “We will make sure that they are named and shamed in public”, Dr. Fonkam Azu’u reiterated.  To Dr. Fonkam Azu’u registering more than once in the electoral register is also a criminal act and should be discouraged. He said that during the cleansing exercise over 20.000 double registrations were uncovered. “This is so because our machines are not interconnected” but that even so all the measures have been put in place to check double registrations. “ Even if people change names, we will detect them through their fingerprints” he concluded.
Dr. Fonkam Azu’u was also very bitter when a journalist said that he registered to vote in Bamenda but latter decided to go back to his area, thus was oblige to give back his voter’s card to an ELECAM official who registered him. “I think that staff is not fit to work with ELECAM” he hammered. He however said that if that act is accepted several voters will want to do the same. Allegations are rife at that the said ELECAM council staff is likely to be dismissed given that Dr. Fonkam Azu’u is not a man to pigeon-hole with. Months ago, he dismissed Nkambe Council Elecam head during a meeting for perpetual absenteeism. Yet his critics are of the opinion that it only a storekeeper that dismisses at will, adding that Dr. Fonkam Azu’u uses such mistakes to justify his stay at the helm of Elections Cameroon.
Back to the distribution of voters’ cards, Dr. Fonkam Azu’u revealed that 124, 076 cards are ready for voter’s to come and collect in the various council areas in the region. The distribution started in almost all the council areas in the region. The consignment for each Division is as follows; Donga Mantung Division 8347, Boyo 7487, Menchum 4404, Ngoketunjia 1797, Momo 2639 while Bui Division has 7487 cards.
On the reopening of voters’ registers nationwide, Dr. Fonkam said that those who did not register at all should make sure that the do it. He also warned that this time, ELECAM officials are not supposed to go to the field to register voters. Voters he said should move to ELECAM council offices to get themselves registered.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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