Friday, June 7, 2013

Fru Ndi Petitions NCC to Close Down Chronicle, The Guardian Post Newspapers

  By Fai Cassian Ndi

Chronicle, The Guardian Post Newspapers now at the mercy of NCC, SDF
The National Chairman of the main opposition party in Cameroon has petitioned two authoritative English Language Newspapers to the National Communication Council-NCC. This move by the National chairman of the Social Democratic Front-SDF has been interpreted by Expressionists as an attempt to instill the closure of Chronicle and The Guardian Post Newspapers, continue to attract a lot of debate in the media. Ni John Fru Ndi, SDF chieftain in his complaint to the National Communication Council is quoted to have said that these two newspapers want to frustrate his political agenda. The Publisher of Chronicle Newspaper, Eric Motomu told this reporter on phone that he was a bit embarrassed by the attacked he has been receiving from the SDF. He also added that it is really pitiful that Ni John Fru some months ago in a political gathering called on SDF militants, sympathizers and supporters never to buy Chronicle. “That is also a move to kill Chronicle” he lamented yet wondered how Fru Ndi was apt to complain to the communication council about his critical analysis. Eric Motomu recalled how some years ago, SDF tugs gave him a snake beating during a political rally in Fundong and he felt unconscious yet Fru Ndi was there and never altered a single word. Eric Motomu added that Chronicle received a summon relating to Issue No 207 of March 2010 titled “Is Fru Ndi Grooming his Son to Succeed Him?”, Issue No 327 titled “8:2 Hangs on Kambiwa After Fru Ndi’s Candidate Beaten at Socialist Elections in South Africa” as well as Issue No 350 titled “How Fru Ndi Lost 34 Councilors In North West”.
On his part the Publisher of The Guardian Post Ngah Christian Mbipgoh in another phone conversation with this reporter confirmed that he received summon from NCC. Accordingly, Ngah Christian also revealed that The Guardian Post was informed that “by letter of April 23, 2013, Mr. Ni John Fru Ndi, chairman of the Social Democratic Front, filed a complaint to the President of NCC” against The Guardian Post relating to issue No 0515 of March 13, 2013 titled “Senatorials: Fru Ndi Backpedals After Meeting with Presidency Money Bags; Now Decrees SDF Participation in April 14 Senatorial Elections”.  Ngah Christian said that even though The Guardian Post was given latest June 5, 2013 to submit support documents and eventual witnesses, the summon only arrived his office on June 5th afternoon. Moreso, the letter we gathered arrived when the Publisher was out in the field.
However, public opinion is aghast at the manner at which politicians have been torturing journalists in Cameroon. Some months ago, some journalists, radio and TV programs were suspended by NCC. Two months ago, the Senior Divisional Officer for Mezam, Nguele Nguele Philip sealed the door of Foundation Radio. In fact despite claims that the Press in Cameroon is free, several acts continue to prevent journalists from speaking the truth. Notwithstanding, if the National Communication Council heeds to Fru Ndi’s call to close down these two news organs, it would mean a stab in the back on freedom of expression. It should be recalled that this is not the first open declaration by Ni John Fru Ndi against Chronicle and The Guardian Post. It is alleged that some years ago, Fru Ndi torn a copy of Chronicle and of late Ni John Fru Ndi told SDF militants that Chronicle, The Guardian Post Newspapers were hired by the regime to destroy the SDF. It is alleged that SDF chieftain even went as far as threatening that any of his party officials who would be seen buying a copy of any of these newspaper or having anything to do with them would be dismissed from the party.  Implicitly, objective journalism means criticizing President Biya and the CPDM and pouring kudos on Ni John Fru Ndi and the SDF when a critical judgment analysis is made on this issue.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

1 comment:

  1. I think journalists should be more professional. There is a lot of information they give which have no proof just because they want to make money. There are many if challenged to support their allegations will fail. Rather than complaining of being clamped down, they should simply respect the rules of the profession.


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