Saturday, August 1, 2015

Fireworks Expected as CPDM Launches Reorganization of Basic Organs

The Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement-CPDM has announced that the long awaited reorganization process of its basic organs will kick start in the weeks ahead. The communiqué signed on July 27, 2015 by the National Chairman of the ruling party, Paul Biya did not give the specific date the process will be launched nationwide and in the Diaspora. However, the circular by CPDM chieftain indicated the modalities for participation. CPDM scribe, Jean Kuete is quoted to have said that the ample information on the reorganization shall be published in the CPDM newspaper, L’Action of Monday August 3, 2015. The Eye gathered that ever since this communique was made public, some militants of Chop People Dem Money party have been having sleepless nights. Nocturnal visits to soothsayers and marabouts we gathered have increased geometrically. It is also alleged that some aspirants were already held meeting strategizing on how to rig.  This is so because everyone is suspicious at every other person. The reorganization process is likely to generate fireworks in some sections in the North West and the South West Region. In the North West for example, Santa, Ndu, Ako, Nwa, Noni, Oku, Jakiri, Bamenda II and Batibo will be at the centre of attraction given the number of aspiring candidates. In the South West Region, the long accumulated grievances between Senator Mbella Moki, Hon. Lifaka and Mayor Ekema Patrick will surely find cracks to explode. The validation of cards will be another big problem given that while there was a regional team charged with the distribution of cards (through Section Presidents), some politicians went directly to the Central Committee to acquires thousands. Some of these cards are still kept under their beds and will surely surface on Election Day (a suivre)

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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