Saturday, August 1, 2015

Reorganization of CPDM Basic Organs: Another Chopping Arrangement for Kingpins, Marabouts

To be a career poli(thief)cian while militating in the CPDM is seemingly is an art of impossibility. In order to succeed, those who are smart always go the other way round to get what they want. You either go for a political godfather or marabouts. But these godfathers and marabouts have also proven to be so on reliable to the point that they see from sides of the coin. As to whether CPDM Section Presidents (including resource persons, central committee delegates etc) are truthful democrats who have had democratic principles ingrained in them from infancy remains another myth. The Chairman of the CPDM has just announced the reorganization of the basic organs of the party and the level of heat around the country is immeasurable. Coaches just developed wings over night while some butterflies already think themselves birds. This is not strange any way. The services of political kingpins who are specialized in influence peddling will obviously be needed to a pay. Those who are specialized in black magic to win elections are already knocking the doors of marabouts. It is even alleged that some marabouts from the North West have already taken off for Yaounde. Their services are on high demand as the struggles as to who should be elected might likely go deadly in some localities.
This is the time CPDM politicians must also learn to be democrats, not vindictive and self-serving tyrants. The sine qua non reason why the militants should overwhelmingly against this or that aspirant is gradually gaining grounds nationwide. Prior to some aspirants are already being treated as irrelevant. With the way things are going, the CPDM is all but this process could lead to more decamping for this or that reason.
Thomas Jefferson, one of the men who penned what became known as the American Constitution, once said that "government exists for the interests of the governed, not for the governors." So does leadership. Yet those who wear arrogantly the CPDM have proven to either be after something or running away from something.
I still remember the famous “Generation 2011” like it was yesterday. You know, the CPDM as observed like to see people tearing themselves apart. The question as to why the Central Committee cannot build a formidable political bloc devoid of the usual infighting and divided loyalties; a new sociopolitical platform that will not be driven by lust for power or wealth continue to beg for answers. But by a burning desire to represent personal ego, much room is given for influence peddlers and political witch hunters to excel. I usually analogue politicians and economic gangsters will use cash to carry all the votes. The end result will be that the party will be managed from someone’s pocket based in Yaounde. Chinua Achebe in his magnum opus, Things Fall Apart: puts, "The bird says that since hunters have learned to shoot without missing, he has learned to fly without perching." The reorganization of the CPDM basic organs will bring into the scene a new breed of politicians, the UFOs. They fly at imaginable speed and with cash in hand they will behave like birds to grab all votes to the detriment of the party and grassroot militants.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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