Sunday, August 12, 2018

NW CPDM Elite Hold Fundraising in Y'de, FCFA 154.589.000 Raise to Fund Biya’s Campaign

Meeting in Yaounde under the auspices of Yang Philemon, NW Permanent delegate for the CPDM central committee North West CPDM elite on August 11, 2018 have contributed a total of FCFA 154 589 000  to fund Biya’s campaign. Harping on the necessity of the fund raising, Philemon Yang is quoted to have said that North West CPDM elite are extraordinary people who do ordinary things in extraordinary ways. Allegedly, other meetings to fine tune campaign strategies are slated for Bamenda in the days ahead. Worthy to note that during the fundraising Baba Danpullo hit the ceiling by donating the sum of FCFA 30 million. However, expressionists have been wondering why the fundraising took place in Yaounde and not Bamenda as was the case in 2011
 **Photo Credit: Lucson
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