Sunday, August 12, 2018

Christian Cardinal Tumi's AGC Pushed to November 21, 22, 2018

The conveners of the Anglophone General Conference-AGC have issued a Press Release postponing the said meeting to November 21 and 22, 2018.
Here below is the Release


The Conveners of the Anglophone General Conference (AGC) met in Douala on Wednesday, 8th August 2018, to review the situation and identify the necessary actions to be taken towards the holding of a successful AGC. They noted with deep satisfaction that the Government welcomed the initiative while expressing reservations on some requests that were addressed to it. They appreciated the enthusiasm with which Cameroonians of all the ten regions and all political leanings at home and abroad received the announcement of the forthcoming conference, while taking cognizance of the scepticism, doubt and hostility expressed by some voices. They re-affirmed their determination to pursue, as politically neutral servants of God concerned solely with the welfare of the people, this initiative which is intended to lay the ground for finding a peaceful and lasting solution to the Anglophone crisis and for a return to normal life in the Northwest and Southwest regions.

The Conveners reviewed the various tasks to be accomplished in preparation for the conference and to ensure that this important gathering of the people of the Southwest and Northwest regions achieves its noble objectives. They concluded that more time would be needed to prepare for the conference.  They, therefore,  decided to postpone the holding of the Anglophone General Conference in Buea, initially scheduled for 29th and 30th August, to the 21st and 22nd November 2018.

The Conveners call upon the people of the Northwest and Southwest regions, wherever they may be, to continue preparations for their Individual attendance and effective participation in the conference. They invite all Cameroonians to pray daily to the Almighty God for the success of this conference and for the early return of peace and harmony to the two Anglophone regions.

+ Christian Cardinal Tumi

Douala, 8th August, 2018

For further information, contact:
Dr. Simon Munzu,  Spokesperson,  College of Conveners (e-mail:  anyopeuh@yahoo.; tel: +237695256460); or
Mr. Elie Smith, Head of Communications (e-mail:; tel: +237 699108387)

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