Sunday, August 12, 2018

Far North Saga: After Denials, Issa Tchiroma Publishes Names of Alleged Perpetrators

The Minister of Communication, spokesman for the government has indicated to the attention of the public that the investigation opened on the instruction of the Head of State, Chief of the Armed Forces, in connection to the video that sparked controversies on social media has resulted to the arrest of six soldiers of the Cameroonian army.
Soldiers Ghislain Ntieche Fewou, Jonathan Jacobai Manasse and Barnabas Donossou, Corporals Didier Jeannot Godwe Mana and Tsanga, Sergeant Hilaire Cyriaque Bityala and Lieutenant (N) Etienne Fobassou, are under arrest, the Minister indicated.
They are suspected of being the perpetrators or accomplices of the summary executions of women and children at the war front against Boko Harram in the Far North Region.
The scene would have been held in the Far North, the only region of Cameroon that suffered for five years the abuses of Boko Haram, the Nigerian jihadist group.
This video provoked an avalanche of indignation around the world with an accusing finger pointed at the Cameroonian army.
Human rights organizations, civil society organizations, politicians and foreign powers such as the United States demanded an investigation. In response, Communication Minister first multiplied denials to deny the involvement of the Cameroonian defense forces. However, President Biya ordered an investigation into the scandal. Minister of communication who had denied the incident has back paddled.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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