Sunday, August 12, 2018

October 7, 2018 Presidential Election: After G20, G35 Youth Join Bandwagon to Support Biya

G35 Youth

After the declaration of a Group of 20 political parties under the umbrella of (G20) supporting the candidature of President Biya, candidate of the ruling CPDM party in the upcoming Presidential election, a group of youth association grouped under G35 Youth have also joined the bandwagon.
The thirty five (35) National Associations of Young Cameroonians and the Diaspora met on Saturday 11 August 2018 at Djeuga Hotel in Yaounde, they unanimously decide to make public a declaration whose content reads thus:

On August 8, 2018, Elections Cameroon (ELECAM), the independent organ  responsible for the organisation of elections, made public a list of nine (09) candidates retained to participate in the October 7, 2018 Presidential Election.

Cameroonian Youth who constitute an immense majority of the country’s population will need to play an important role on the choice of the next President of the Republic.

The Head of State, President Paul Biya, has always held the youth in high esteem, presenting them as the pivot of the nation.

Walking his talk, the President of the Republic created seven (7) important ministries taking care of the plight of youth :

·        The Ministry of Youth  and Civic Education,
·       The Ministry of Sports and Physical Education,
·       The Ministry of Basic Education,
·       The Ministry of Secondary Education,
·       The Ministry of Higher Education,
·       The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
·        The Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training.

In view of associating the Cameroonian youth in all decision-making processes of the nation, the Head of State has put in place several structures that give opportunities for Camerroonian youth to take their destinies into their own hands, to combat unemployment as well as creating enterprises.

-         The Support Programme for Actors of the Informal Sector (PIASSI) ;
-         The Support Programme for Rural and Urban Youth (PAJER-U) ;
-         National Civic Service for Youth Participation in Development ;
-         National Youth Council,
-         National Employment Fund,
-         National Fund for Youth Insertion ;
-         National Football Academy (ANAFOOT) ;
-         Special Triennal Plan for Youth amounting to 102 billion FCFA

In ten years, these structures have received from government over 670 billion FCFA (One billion Euros) particularly tailored towards professional training and the creation of Small and Medium-size Enterprises and Industies (SMEs and SMIs). Their balance sheet thus far is loud-sounding. More than 700, 000 jobs have been created thanks to the goodwill of the Head of State to youth. Over 100,000 youth have benefitted from important funding and are today responsible and respectable entrepreneurs.
Another manifestation of the social bond existing between the President of the Republic and the Youth, is the gift of 500,000 laptops to students of universities and other higher institutions of learning in Cameroon.

Looking at all these, We, Youth, from 35 Youth Associations meeting today, decide to wholeheartedly pledge our total and unalloyed support for the candidature of His Excellency Paul BIYA, who is a sure candidate, well grounded and unquestionably experienced.

We wish to state that there is no generational conflict in Cameroon for, parents logically pave the path for their children’s better future. It is the parents who bring up, educate and brighten the future of the children. It is the parents who guide the children, pointing out to them avoidable potholes and other life’s challenges. Youth do not need shortcuts or easy paths for they, at best, destroy and limit their sense of creativity, responsibility, maturity and much-needed respect.

Youthfulness is no doubt a moment of vitality but it goes without saying that it is experience acquired over the years that helps in building a solid nation. Cameroon counts overe 300 ethnic groups. This makes our country complex and complicated to govern. Cameroon is by no means a place to toy with. And revisiting a celebrated quotation of President Paul BIYA, we quote, « Do not play with Cameroon, » end of quotes.

The Presidential election in Cameroon, like in any  other African country, is always an ideal moment during which certain candidates excel by selling illusions, giving unrealistic promises and spreading false information. We cannot and will not be fooled. When a candidate has difficulties living up to expectations with basic functions of life, will he live up to standard with the challenging presidential functions ?

A hungry man can by no means be free. A man living in hardship easily loses his solidity. Cameroon needs a visionary leader, well grounded and highly respectful.

After the declaration of a Group of 20 Political Parties meeting under the umbrella (G20) brilliantly supporting the candidature of the Head of State, here comes G35 Youth who call on all Cameroonians and more particularly youth irrespective of their political leanings to rise up like one person and massively vote for President Paul BIYA, a man who has assurances doubly sure. He says what he does and does what he says.

The G35 Youth reiterate their commitment for a One and Indivisible Cameroon in peace, national unity and cultural diversity.

The objective of G35 is clear : A deadly punch on the opposition on October 7, 2018. The youth have rendez-vous with history on October 7, 2018. Youth have to be part of history by bringing their massive and unreserved votes in favour of the candidature of His Excellency Paul BIYA. It is a plebiscite for the November 6, 1982 strongman.

                             Yaounde, the 11th of August, 2018

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