Monday, April 24, 2023

Hon. Njingum Musa Leads Walk for Peace in Ndop

Hon. Njingum Musa, the Member of Parliament for Ngoketunjia North and Questor at the National Assembly led the peace walk on Friday April 2023 in Bamunka-Ndop after praying for peace on sallah day. Thousands of Muslim faithful joined the Member of Parliament to pray for peace and life to return to normalcy in Ngoketunjia Division of the North West region. He was flanked by the Senior Divisional Officer for Ngoketunjia,  
Handerson Quetong, the Mayor of Ndop, Ntoh Daniel, the Fon of Bamunka and other dignitaries. 
During the prayer session the Imam of Ndop Central Mosque, call on all the Muslim faithfuls to embrace and encourage peace as well as living together and mutual coexistence. 
Hon. Njingum Musa expressed gratitude to the population for the massive turn out and said their massive turn out is a clear indication that life is gradually returning to normal in Ngoketunjia. He used the opportunity to also thank the security forces for ensuring the safety of the population and called on anyone still in the bush to drop the gun and embrace peace, love and living together. 

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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