Thursday, April 20, 2023

Senator Regina Mundi Is Vice President of CPDM Senate Group

Senator Regina Mundi has been elected Vice President of the CPDM Group in the senate. She was elected yesterday by senators or the ruling CPDM following the renewal of the senate bureau. Senator Regina is on her second mandate as senator. Reputed for her inclusive approach to politics, Senator Regina Mundi is a member of the political bureau of CPDM, a great honour as only some 15 members make up this powerful body of the party. Her approach to politics has earned her the position of leading female politician of the North West Region and thrice she has been appointed by President Paul Biya. First she was appointed into the political bureau of the ruling Cameroon People Democratic Movement, CPDM and twice as member of senate. Senator Regina Mundi, it is worth mentioning has been in politics as far back as the early 70s when she first served as the Bafut-Tubah Secretary of the then CNU Party and later sub-section president for Bafut and Section president for the then Grand Mezam from 1986-to 1996. The Soft-spoken educationists has been very instrumental in accompanying the CPDM to gain steam in the North West region. She is a woman with extra abilities given that she is duty conscious, serviceable and accessible. Others in her position would wear arrogance and snob at commoners but contrary, Senator Regina Mundi is down to earth and very welcoming. Meet her for a discussion and you will agree with me that she is one of Cameroon's finest politician and a servant leader. 

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