The unity march
condemns conflict, acts of violence and advocated for peace in the North West
and South West regions. The 3 in 1 celebration that took place at the Misaje
market square brought together militants and sympathizers of the ruling
Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement-CPDM who also invited the population of
Misaje sub division to pray, walk, talk and strive for peace and unity in
Cameroon. Led by the Donga Mantung IV Section Executives, Misaje mayor and his
deputies, the population marched for over 2 kilometers starting from the
ceremonial ground.
The celebrations
started with an ecumenical service bringing together both Christians and
Muslims of Misaje Sub Division. Gathered at the market square where they all prayed
for peace to return in the North West and South West regions, the clergies who
were drawn from of the various denominations as well as the Imam of Misaje and
Dumbu called on God Almighty/Allah to urgently touch the minds of everyone so
that there is a return to normalcy in North West and South West Regions. The 34
years of continued existence of the CPDM was this year celebrated with peculiarity.
Call for Peace
These militants who
came from the 32 Sub Sections that make up Donga Mantung IV-Misaje used the
anniversary ecumenical service and the March for Peace to call on President
Paul Biya to ensue frank dialogue for serenity to return in the North West and
South West Regions. They also called on the separatists to reach to the hand of
fellowship extended by President Paul Biya calling on them to lay down arms.
Section President flanked by the Mayor |
In a motion of support
and encouragement addressed to President Paul Biya militants of Donga Mantung
IV Section reechoed the necessity for peace given that in an atmosphere of
stale familiarity development is not sustainable. “We the militants and sympathizers of the Donga Mantung IV Section of
the CPDM, express our sincere gratitude and thanks to H.E President Paul Biya,
for all the development projects in this
Section; Call for inclusive and frank
dialogue so as ro put an end to the Anglophone crisis”. They used the opportunity to thank President
Paul Biya for the reappointment of a son of the soil, Dr. Fuh Calistus Gentry
in his new government of great opportunities.
Those who could not
read speeches emphasized through songs that the marriage between the CPDM and
Misaje is total. To them, Misaje remains the bastion of the CPDM in Donga
Mantung Division. They danced and celebrated the numerous development projects
especially the extension of electricity from the National grid in Nkambe to
Misaje, the solar panel energy project at Akweto, Chunghe – Mfume-Nkanchi, the
construction of the grandstand, the opening of the road from Dumbu to Bisaula in
Nigeria, the opening of the road to Bebekette and a host of other development
projects. Addressing the crowd, CPDM Section President for Donga Mantung IV
Section Tantoh Shey Alfred Nyako reminded Dr. Fuh Calistus Gentry that “Your
Excellency, if this project is what took you into politics and to Yaounde then
know that it is a legacy that will remain engraved in our hearts and minds and
that your people are fully satisfied”.
Harping on this year’s anniversary theme, Tantoh
Shey Alfred Nyako reminded the population of Misaje that more than ever, there
is a need to promote and preserve national unity and in a peaceful and serene
atmosphere. The values of peace, dialogue is primordial because as militants of
the CPDM, they all need to be patriotic, law abiding and also encourage the
spirit of living together as one nation in order to “further the harmonious
implementation of the programme great opportunities” . He used the occasion to
appeal to militants of the CPDM to prepare for the upcoming municipal, legislative
and Regional elections, the later being launched for the very first time in the
history of Cameroon. He also decried the fact that children are not going to
school and requested that Misaje sub Division should be raised to a full flesh
In each of these elections, Donga Mantung IV
Section President noted that Misaje intends to participate and win with a great
majority, as such, he also call on militants to register on the voters list. He
expressed gratitude to H.E President Paul Biya for all the concessions he has
made so far in a bid to find concrete and lasting solution to the crisis in the
North West and South West Regions especially for the clarion call for
separatists to drop arms. He continued by appealing on the Head of State to
begin consultative and appeasement talks with the Anglophone community to
initiate in the nearest future frank dialogue that will pave the way to end the
of the CPDM
Sammy Mbgata, the Mayor
of Misaje on his part described Misaje as the bastion of the CPDM not only in
Donga Mantung Division but in the North West Region. In the domain of
development projects, the mayor cited the construction of a new grandstand
worth FCFA 77 million, the powering of Akweto, Chunghe-Mfume-Nkanchi as
government has provided solar panels to electrify those villages, the extension
of the electrification project to Dumbu, the Bansobi and Dumbu water projects,
the construction of market sheds at Akweto, Kibalaki and Chakoh. In the domain
of road infrastructure, he announced the opening of the road from Misaje to
Nigeria which according to him will give back to Dumbu town the economic
livewire of Misaje its rightful. He also reiterated the fact that with
decentralization, the council will be able for foster development endeavours in
the municipality.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)