The Cameroon General Certification Examination-GCE Board has
released the results of last June 2015 session. According to the published
statistics, GCE Ordinary Level recorded a better performance scoring 44.93% as
compared to 34.41% recorded in 2014 session. On the other hand, the GCE
Advanced Level dropped from 63.98 per cent success down to 60.41 per cent this
12 schools scored a 100% in A Level while 17 scored a 100% in the Ordinary Level. It is aired that results of seen schools have been withheld. For the GCE Technical results, we
do not have the statistics. However, the Registrar of the GCE Board, Humphrey
Ekema Monono is still expected to clear the air on widespread allegations
that the GCE examination questions leaked this year in some centres around the country. Maybe the reason why the number of schools that have been suspended have increased geometrically. However, the mode of accessing to results just
like last year is through a Mobile Telephone company.
This is done by texting (SMS) consisting of candidate’s centre number and candidate's number and name (without
spaces, comma, full stop or dash) to 8006.Last year, the mtn code was 8070
More details soon)
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)
how can we find out if a relative has passed?
how can i get mine
Via MTN text Candidate's Centre No, Candidates No, and name to 8006. But u have to very patient bcos the lines are congested.
Is it just via MTN???
most u put ur name?
This is very poor of the CGCEB, after many criticisms and setbacks for the last two yrs, they still can't get better options to view students results.
I wish success to all those awaiting their successes.
Text(SMS) consisting of candidate’s centre number and candidate's number and name (without spaces, comma, full stop or dash) to 8006. Be patient because the lines are congested. The system takes long to reply
how can I have the result I mean all so I can make some income
Horrible!!! How could poor students toil & sweat in order to acheive good results and yet can't obtain them with ease...gce board has failed
Can the results on pamphlet and sms differ?
what a shame to the gce board;that results will be anounced as released yet students cant have their results on time just because somebody somewhere wants to make money out of the results
Via MTN text Candidate's Centre No, Candidates No, and name to 8006. But u have to very patient bcos the lines are congested.
Why don't we publish the results on the website?
Our Brothers and Sisters out of the Country who don't have MTN OR ORANGE ,how are they going to checked the result of a relative back home? Please am begging the GCE board to do something about these issue .Note we all are in a media world.
its prefarable you put it On your Web Site
Charle Yengi if you have them please bring them out!
Is the result available on press now?
This is so poor. Parents have spent a lot of money, students have burnt midnight candles, n can't get results on time.this is outrageous!! Press, pls criticise this act of greed...Mtn can not do what d radio,newspapers, internet were doing.
We've been trying since yesterday to no avail. What shld one do to get the reults?
Its préférable to put this on the websit this is rediculous
why are other countries developing and cameroon is going back ward?how can sturdents spend money to register exams and again spend money to know if they had passed or not?when will this steelling with the biya regim ends?
Really a pity to those our brothers and sisters who are far from connection!
Money is the problem to many Cameroonians. Posting the results on the website to the CGCE board authorities is just like organising biometric elections is to some Cameroon Politicians.
i can't believe by now i haven't heard my result... wat a mess, i'm ashame with de GCE board... i don't think cameroon wil emerged in de yr 2035
i can't believe by now i haven't heard my result, what a mess, i'm ashame wit the cameroon GCE board.. i don't think cameroon wil emerge by the year 2035
hello good morning there pls kindly help me with my gce results
This is really poor of this Country and their system of administration students can die of tension because of his or her results, it was best at first and we are just begging on the GCE board not to annonce having release our results when we can not get them, Francophones have all seen theirs but we the anglophones are still struggling what type of thing is this. this is bad, you pay an exams to write even pay to look, this is too poor and bad of the GCE board i wish some of you can reason and lets not be too selfish and corupt the way we are
GCEB has become trash. they want to make money from everything now whereas children are there dying of cold outside trying to get their results. we have to strike let they stop that nonsense.
Why can't the GCEB update itself to the latest technologies rather than relying on sms, francophones have thier results published on internet, why can't anglophones just do same, this is real trash, what's the need of the registration fees if one can't get access to results easily, pure nonsense
It is a shame
I have been sending sms since yeste rday but to no av ail
Wen will things change? Why put people under tension now??????
I used to think anglophones were better managers and even God fearing but I am begining to find out that some are worse than our French speaking brothers. How can one explain this type of Mafia behaviour on the part of the GCE board extorting money from poor cameroonians and not being able to render the service for which money has been collected? What does Mr Monono mean by exercising patience? Are there no other means of making those results available? Please GCE Board spare us those expensive jokes and the torture.
This is outrageous! It doesn't surprise one that this is a country where computer science and information technology in schools is still a myth. And GCEB claims to have a curriculum for that. Shame on my country and so called educators who are literally uneducating the leaders of tomorrow because they want to holdon to their jobs and positions at their old age. This is an education/examination board,for pete's sake, and not a business entity like SONARA, "AES-SONEL?", SNEC/CAMWATER?
The GCEB is a bundle of disappointment i regret being a CAMEROONIAN. this our selfish nature is taking us no where i just wish something is done and fast else we anglophones are on fire.
I have a problem my name is not on the newspapers but I have the message from the GCE board that I have passed
This is crazy why only MTN? Cameroon will never change this its stupid way of doing things
I haven't seen my results since up till now. I really hate this guys
I wish Monono takes note of all the comments as to improve next session. Also, I would like to beg that no commentator should abuse the GCE Board.
I wish Monono takes note of all the comments as to improve next session. Also, I would like to beg that no commentator should abuse the GCE Board.
Two days have passed by since the release of the GCE Exams and I have not receive a reply from mtn. Why only mtn, newspapers and the INTERNET is there. Let the authorities that be think about the stress parents and students are going through to get their results. NO AMOUNT OF MONEY IS ENOUGH
Absolute rubbish! Is it a crime to sit in for the G.C.E in Cameroon? These young Cameroonians do not deserve this punishment from you.
We are unable to make simple calls on the MTN network but the G.C.E board still goes ahead to trust M.T.N with trivial issues.
Do you know some of these candidates can't eat or sleep since they were informed that the G.C.E is out yet can't have access to them?
Do you want some of the to get their results from hospital beds due to fear?
At this rate we can all go to sleep and forget about being an emerging nation by 2035.
By the way do you load their phones for them to use this nonsense method of yours?
Most of them have been sending uncountable sms' since yesterday yet nothing to show for it.
Please stop joking with the future of this country because you are only thinking of feeding fat without any human feelings.
Kindly publish these results! These candidates have a right to their results.
These results were proclaimed in the past years without problem. How is it that this nonsense of monopoly concerning results of students has come in with MTN?God should forgive the GCE board and the Government of Cameroon.
This is unfair. Am tired of waiting for my results
Why should we spend our time and soul fighting BOKO HARAM when we can not settle simple issues like this ?
Till you pple are not even ashamed of your self to asked student to call or compose some number to get their result nonsense ,
This are some of the reason young youth today join Terrorists group but you dont know .
What a shame.
hello CGCEB please insteadof using access the result for which it take alonger time which keeps candidate waiting and same time creating fear and tension for both perant and candidate, I believe if could go back to news paper issue and net publication will solve this problem. if the need to go back to code and tex issue, they can send individual result to their mails or contact just as eneo does fo electric bills thanks
Please, this is not serious. try to get solutions for this horrible situation. While we it is better the Anglophones than the franco... now it is a constat that the two are the same no difference.
How much and who is paying for the mnt to use their forum. Technology is still far from reaching the poor hence drop the e-results and sack the board director
Do u know d frustrations and tension students go through before getting their results? Why should students not see their results just because it's been given to MTN. They paid before writing. In fact, in advanced countries, students are supposed to receive their results individually or go into GCEB website with their personalized codes to check the results. Why this "mago mango"? Greed is what is sending people to Kondengui these days. You want people to stay quiet and not voice out their minds.
MONONO NO NO NO NO NO MO...NO... NO...NO MONO...POLY? For how many days should students "exercise patience"? NO MONO...NO!Is the registration fee NOT enough? MON "NON" O est où?...Is it GCE Board or MTN Board?...
GCE Board just want to make more money by telling students to text for results. You are the one pulling our country down.
Cameroon gce board is controlled by a bunch of CRABS led by a mother Crab ...
were are our results ????
This is proper to Cameroon! I thought the anglosaxon system, at least, could make a difference............Sad!
This is proper to Cameroon! But i though the lovely Anglosaxon system, at least, could make the difference,.............................So Sad?
Quand on dit que le Cameroun c'est le Cameroun et que le les anglophone sont ce qu'ils sont...comment en 2015, whereas internet and technology are developped, how can we explain the fact that results are not yet available? It's simple to understand ... It's that another way of corruption? De trafic de résultats? Or they are tired?Et en plus it's via MTn qu'il faut passer absolubly... Nonesense!ça coute quoi de publier??? C'est le blanc qui va toujours venir nous montrer celà???
It seems that everything in this Country is for sale.. what a shame
how can we check our results online please
Congratulations to the students for performing extremely well in their general certification examinations. They have a bright future a head and excellent career opportunities. Mark you, they can always access Research Reflection Writing services from professional online writers hence they will be able to graduate with the best degree classification.
Mou Cyprain Kebei
Mou Cyprain Kebei
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